Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday's Mold Story

Amazing what a difference a few phone calls can make.
I made call #1 this morning to our Insurance Adjuster, Brad.  I explained to Brad about the Mold guys and the insane things they wanted to do.  I told him they wanted to remove a bunch of cabinets and our countertop and heaven only knows what else.  I asked if all of that was covered.  He said it was.  Praise God for that!  He said he would talk to Terry and give him the okay to begin.

I made call #2 to Michael Herndon, our builder.  Michael was immediately apologetic.  He must have talked to Terry just before I called him.  He told me:

"This has gotten blown up WAY out of proportion!"

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what a feeling of relief entered my stomach after he said that.  Jerry and I think the same thing, of course.  Michael explained that he has had five classes in mold and learned all about what to do about it and what it can do, etc.  He said the reason ServiceMaster goes all scientific and nuts is because they have been sued so many times.  Well, say no more!  I totally get that.  That is why you have to sign that insane paper any time you have surgery.  You can go in to have a mole removed, and you have to sign a paper saying it is perfectly fine with you if they cut your leg off or you die.  I refused to sign it once, and I was swiftly sent home!

Anyway, Michael is going to take over the tear down and rebuild project.  We are just in wait mode right now.  Jerry is working here today so he can be here for whoever shows up.  I think I will go buy groceries or something equally as exciting.
Hugs, Joy

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Hugs, Joy