
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Fish and Yoga Pants for Lindy

Goodness!!!  This girl is a fishaholic.  She wants to go fishing AGAIN tonight.  I am not going this time.  She and her Papa can go and fish themselves silly.  I went with them yesterday from 3 until 8.  That's a long time on the lake for me.  The fish were biting pretty good, and Lindy was loving it, so I didn't complain -- much.  The only accidents were that we lost a couple of lures when the lines broke, and Papa's hat flew off into the lake.  Not too bad. 

When we got back home with our 7 fish, Lindy announced that she wanted Papa to teach her how to clean them.  Now, you can bet your life that is one request you will NEVER hear come out of MY mouth!  If you have a queazy stomach, don't look at the next few pictures.  Being the neatnik that I am, I don't like to cut things up that bleed and make a mess all over the sink.

Here she is cleaning one of the fish.  She is still in her bathing suit -- which I considered quite insufficient to fill that description, but -- I didn't want to be too "Grandmaee" all at once and tell her she wasn't ABOUT to wear that scrap of fabric outside the house.  If there had been a boy in the boat -- other than her Papa -- it would have been different.  Her Mother and I have a totally different idea of what is appropriate attire on a young girl, but then if you have known me over five minutes, you know her Mother and I don't agree on much of anything these days.

Here she is with the fish fillets all cleaned up and ready for me to finish preparing for a fish fry.  Isn't she just the cutest thing???  And check out how she poses for me now.  I LOVE IT!!!!  Tears are the greatest motivator, don't you think?  Oh, didn't I tell you......  I cried when she complained to me earlier that she didn't want me taking her picture.

Jerry had a great time too.  I am so very happy when he is relaxing and doing his favorite thing.  He will do this for the grandkids as they are more important to him than his work, as it should be.  Of course, Lindy hasn't even been here for several years.

Here's Papa with the biggest catch of the day.

I told you -- I think -- that Lindy wanted me to show her how to make yoga pants. 

Well, of course, I was delighted to be able to show off my intensive amount of experience and expertise to my granddaughter. 

The first thing I did was show her how to measure her waist, hip, waist to knee and knee to ankle. 

Then we circled the waist measurement and the hip measurement on the back of the pattern.  Wouldn't you think that a Rocket Scientist of Sewing like myself could get THAT PART right???  Well, guess again.

I totally forgot about Silhouette Patterns pattern measurements being FINISHED garment size instead of BODY size.  Lindy sewed them up just perfectly, and when we put them on her, they looked like she had tried on a pair of MY yoga pants.  They were huge everywhere but the waist.  I proceeded to remove the waistband, pin up the 4 leg seams, and she tried them on again.  They were better, but she still wanted them tighter. 

Before we ever started making them, I asked her if she wanted them tight.  She said, "No." 

I probably should point out here that teenagers don't communicate very well.  I have taken those pants in FIVE times so far today, and she still wants them tighter at her thigh.  After I reminded her that she said she did NOT want them tight, she said, "I meant in the ankle, Grandma." 

That isn't Lindy, but she has pants as tight as that.  These will NOT be that way!  WHY bother wearing anything!? 

I must go and take the pants in some more.  Hopefully, this will be the last time.  I'll take a picture for tomorrow if she will let me.

Hugs, Joy


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Hugs, Joy