
Saturday, June 30, 2012

New Tutorial for Donna and Route 66 Quilt

I finished the new tutorial.  It is over there ------------- on the right.  It is at the top of the TUTORIAL list and is called "Neckline Finish for Knit V-Neck".

There are two videos where I show you THREE great products to use.  If you sew much, I would highly recommend you buy all three. 

Today, I made the red binding which is 412 inches long! for my Route 66 quilt.

 I am worn out just doing that, so won't start to apply it until tomorrow.  I "Sharon Schambered" it by starching the heck out of it, and that takes a long time -- mostly drying time.  I can't believe I am so close to getting it hung on a wall.  OH!  I have to make a hanging strip too.  Maybe I'll do that today.  And many hours later, here is the 95 Inch long hanger for the back! 

I just wrestled the quilt all around on my cutting table to trim it.  I am pooped! 

That's all for today unless you want to watch the new videos in the tutorial.

Here's the links:

Hugs, Joy


  1. I knew it was big, but 95" !!! Holy Moley!!! Where are you going to hang it?

    No kids tomorrow. Roger is feeling better tonight, but he is sleeping wile the NASCAR race.

    Hugs, Phylly

  2. Hi Joy,

    Thanks so much for the videos. I use French fuse which looks similar to the Palmer/Pletch product, but I haven't used it in knits. I'll certainly try it. I, too, like interfacing and understitching. Hurrying through and skipping steps doesn't always get me where I want to go. Love the parchment paper. It's easy and disposable and will save my organza press cloth from the stickies. Especially thanks for the steam-a-seam lite demo. I'm guilty of pressing too soon and getting a gooey mess. Love that ham and stand by the way.

    Your quilt is wonderful! I have a longarm and enjoy quilting also.

    Thanks from a former teacher(I taught high school and college French in a formeer life). You said you would have liked to have been a teacher, and from all indications, you would have been a fine one. Thanks for the lessons.

    Donna (

  3. Hi Joy:

    Thanks so much for the demo. I really like the idea of using Steam-a-seam. I use the SFD tracing velum in the same way that you use the Parchement paper, but now that I know about parchement paper, I think I may have better uses for the velum LOL!

    I use the interfacing that Peggy Sagers sells and really like it alot. It looks almost identical to the P/P Perfect Fuse. I ordered both the black and the white from Peggy and there is so much of it in a package, I wonder if I will ever use it all up.

    I agree with Donna (former teacher myself) you would have made a great teacher and the students would love your sense of humor. and silliness.

    One question about the V neckline. . . . I assume that you needed to clip the V front before you did the understiching. It lays so flat, I wonder if you have yet another secret?

    Keep the videos comin'


  4. Definitely! Clip the V to within two or three threads.

    Wonder if they will let old ladies teach? I suppose not.

    Hugs, Joy

  5. Joy,
    Thanks for the videos. I have tried several techniques for my vnecks using bindings. Not sure why I was avoiding facings - thought it would make it look homemade? I did your technique on my last vneck out of slinky and it worked great! Thanks again for all of your tips and videos.


  6. Forgot to mention that I have bought a couple of boxes of the Steam A Seam 2 and neither had the paper sticking to the webbing. I didn't know that it was supposed to be stuck to the paper. But I can still use it by using your trick of just pressing the iron to it lightly.



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Hugs, Joy