
Friday, June 8, 2012

PB&J and Route 66 All Done - YEAH!

This day started off pretty good, but before noon I received a hand-delivered bill from my builder for almost $10,000.  I couldn't believe my eyes, although I tried not to show my shock. 

This insane thought was spinning around in my head, "Isn't the insurance company supposed to pay the bills??????????????"

I told Michael that I would see that the adjuster got the bill.  He didn't seem satisfied with that answer, however.  He said, "How much can you give me now?"  Well, how about NOTHING?! -- No, I didn't say that.  I offered to give him my deductible which is $2500.  Thank goodness, he agreed to take that!

I did fax the invoice to the adjuster, and I did ask him about it.  He said, "Oh, you don't need to pay that."  Really?  WHO, then? 

Nasan has been working all day, and my dining room is starting to look like there is hope for it to return to its original state.  Nasan has the base trim back on the wall, and he is getting ready to put the primer on.  Guess the paint won't be applied until next week now.  At least, SOMETHING got done!  I am eating PB&J sandwiches for lunch because I haven't been able to leave all week as I wait for people to NOT show up.  Oh, there I go -------------------------- complaining again ------------ I will stop. 

 And BTW, that is NOT my sandwich -- mine have wheat bread and only 1 teaspoon of jelly and a tablespoon of PB.  Heavens!  I would weigh 200 pounds if I ate like that!  I suppose I should confess I do make one and a half sandwiches though.

I am SO EXCITED to annouce that Route 66 is all done except the binding.

I took it off the longarm yesterday, and I made a video of it, but by the time I got it on You Tube, it wasn't the greatest quality.  You are welcome to watch it if you like, but I really made it for myself.  I actually took another one this morning very close up of each block.  It is uploading now.

Here are a couple of pics I took today when the light seemed to be coming through the window just right. 

I do realize that quilts don't mean anything at all to people if they don't quilt, so I totally understand if you, like my step-daughter, say, "I just don't know WHAT she sees in those quilts!"  I actually find most quilts I see in magazines totally boring even now.  Quilts are very personal.  Everyone has there own "thing" when it comes to quilting. 

I just decided THIS SECOND that my next quilt is going to be for John and Hollie in Alaska.  I will make it with two layers of batting inside so it will be really warm.  I don't know what colors Hollie likes.  I'll have to ask her.

Oh!  Did I say I was going to put some pics here.........

That is only seven rows out of eight, but you get the idea.  I am going to make a label for it, then put a red binding and a hanging strip on it.  Then I am going to take it to our store and hang it on the tallest wall there.

Nasan just left about 30 minutes ago.  He is so nice, and he is the most amazing diplomat.  I either scare men to death, or I really bond with them.  Some men don't have pea-size egos, and I can be myself around them.  Nasan is like that.  Plus, I'm 20 years his senior.  He got the wall in the dining room primed today.  He has to wait for that to dry to start applying three coats of 14-year old paint we had on hand and won't be back until Monday to do it.  I told him that I came from a whole line of painters -- Dad, Grandpa and all my Uncles -- so I KNOW how to paint.  I told him I just might paint the wall myself this weekend. 

He called me a minute ago and this is how the conversation went:

"Joy, I just wanted to tell you that it is totally up to you, and you certainly don't have to do it, but if you want to do it and you have the time and you aren't too busy, you could do it yourself -- BUT, I'm not saying at all that you have to, or that I think you should -- BUT, I'm not saying you shouldn't either -- I'm just saying that the wall is all taped off and is ready to paint, and IF you WANT to, you could do it."

I told him I might just do that, because it is just the bottom half of one wall, for heaven's sake.

He said, "Okay, and hung up."

A minute later he called me AGAIN:

"Joy, I just wanted to say I am really sorry if you think I was trying to make you paint that wall, because you REALLY don't have to, and I can do it myself when I get there, and I don't mind at all doing it, but I just wanted to tell you that if you really want to, you can do it.............."

I started cracking up laughing, and said, "NASAN, QUIT!!!"  "I will do it if I feel like it, and if I don't, I won't.  QUIT worrying about it and have a nice weekend."

It was good to laugh!

Hugs, Joy

1 comment:

  1. It's me, Phylly! It has been FOREVER since I've seen you.

    Okay, just a week, but it has been a long, long week! I loved your video on the dress form. Where did you get that fabric you made Lucy's blouse out of it. I love it! I keep meaning to tell you that.

    The padding also changes when 5 and 7 year old GK poke at it and squeeze it. Her boobs are bit misshapen since they messed with her. Her center front tape is no longer centered either. Of course, it might also be because I walk by her & I smoosh her boobs down since they are way higher than mine.

    I really need to follow Kenneth Kings article in the new issue of Threads and make a new padded to fit cover for her.

    Time to do dishes.

    Hugs, Phylly


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Hugs, Joy