
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Play Day with Phylly

Phylly got here at 9:00 this morning for our play day.  She put on her red linen Vogue dress that was in one of our videos for a final fitting.  It needed very little tweaking at the front waist, and that was it.  Then we fitted a new Vogue blouse pattern to her and a McCall pattern dress.  She is all set to sew, sew, sew! 

I had a pattern ready for her to paper fit to me, but I left it at my other house.  Very "Joy".  I managed to find a couple other patterns to paper fit to me, so we did those.  Mine were both blouses, of course.

While we were sitting at the sewing table just cutting and taping and pinning and talking, Phylly asked me if Helen Enox had ever called me back about the flawed fabric I bought from them. 

It was this red and black fabric.  It has little white runs here and there all through it.  I had sent a close-up picture of the flaws via email to Helen Enox just mentioning it to them.

THANK GOODNESS Phylly reminded me, because this is my last day in a real town, and it is the only day I had to go there.  Carolyn from Helen Enox Fabrics called me last week to apologize profusely for the flawed fabric they had sold me, and this is what she said to me:  (Hopefully, Fabulous Fit will read this and get a clue!)

  "Is there ANYTHING we can do to make this right?"

I was glad she even acknowledged that it was a problem for me.  I asked her if she had checked the remaining fabric on the bolt.  She said she had and the flaw ran the whole way through it, and they were so embarrassed and so sorry that they had sold it to me.

I tried not to faint from this SHOCKING display of customer service while I was listening to her talk to me on the phone.

She continued to talk.  She suggested that I come back to the store next time I was in town and pick out anything in the store I would like.  I didn't need a receipt -- didn't need to return the fabric -- didn't need to do anything but show up.  These people don't know me from Adam, but Carolyn was treating me like I was her best friend.

Phylly had to leave at 2 to go back to her house to babysit her 3 grandkids, husband, son, 2 dogs and 2 cats.  We hugged each other, and I begged her to come with me to Helen Enox Fabrics, but she said she HAD to get back home. 

I walked into Helen Enox about 2:30 and perused fabric for the next hour.   At some point, I saw Carolyn and went over to her to explain who I was.  She said, "Oh, yes!  I KNOW who you are.  Please just get whatever you want, and we'll take care of it."

I did exactly that.  I got a pretty grass green linen, a bright orange/red linen, and a floral denim -- all with matching buttons and thread.  I am quite delighted with my finds, and I will make them up into something soon.  Jerry likes me in red, so I'll probably do that one first.  After my $45.00 credit, I think I only owed $27.00.  Very nice!

That is all the excitement for today.  Back home tomorrow and we meet with the builder for reconstruction from leak damage on Monday morning.  Then the real fun begins! 

Maybe I'll lose weight since my kitchen will be so torn up.  Gotta look at the bright side!

Hugs, Joy

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Hugs, Joy