
Monday, June 4, 2012

Trying to Remain Calm

Remodel Update: 

Michael came this morning and we talked, and he measured, and we talked, and he measured ....  He said that our insurance company was only going to pay for PART of our countertops.  I couldn't believe my ears!  I am going to be so upset if this insurance company doesn't fix this RIGHT.  I realize the damage is only in part of the kitchen, but the items destroyed go all through the kitchen, ie: wallpaper and countertops.
You can't have one kind of something on one side, and something different on the other. 

I called the adjuster after Michael left and asked him about it.  I guess he changed his mind, because he told me it would be covered.  That calmed me down a bit. 
I asked that the dining room be completely put back together before we tear anything else up.  Michael said he would do that.  The texture guy is suppose to TRY to make it this afternoon.  Of course, a painter isn't going to want to drive a long distance to texture just 1/2 of 1 wall, but according to Michael, only one person can do a certain texture.  It is like your handwriting, I suppose.  Since this guy is really good, and he did the entire house, we must wait for him. 

I worked on Route 66 this morning.  I am on the 2nd to last row which is Missouri.  I am beginning to think there is HOPE that I will actually finish it in my lifetime!

Now, I want to cut out something new to sew.  I just ate a plate of Nachos covered with beans, meat, cheese, quacamole and sour cream, and I feel like a water balloon!

I better go run on my treadmill for awhile since I don't have a mountain to climb like Glenda does. 

 I will raise the incline, and I GUARANTEE you my body will swear it IS a mountain!

Hugs, Joy

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure your Rte 66 will soon be finished. Mine is the one that will not be finished, ever!

    I hope they will pay for all of the repairs. You and I may think that you can't have one kind of countertops on one side and something else on the other side, but insurance companies don't care. Did you get something from the guy in writing?

    Kids are crying. I knew we would have melt down everyday when I'm trying to fix dinner and Joshua wants to go out front and ride his bike. Do Papa's ever listen to Nana's? No!
    Hugs, Phylly


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Hugs, Joy