
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Our God Reigns! and Repairman Blues

Well, today was REALLY EXCELLENT.  It was Pastor Matt Hagee's birthday, and he preached this morning.  He is just as good as his Dad these days.

The sermon was "Our God Reigns!"

He compared our relationship to God to a child's relationship with his father -- specifically, his own.  He said if his Dad asked him to take out the garbage, and he simply got up and did it, then life went on as usual.  He said his father kept a fully stocked refrigerator, had an amazing insurance program and provided all of his needs. 

If he decided he was going to put himself in charge and inform his father that he wasn't going to take out the trash, then home wasn't so comfortable and joyful anymore!  His father was still the same -- home was still home -- all the benefits were still there -- but he could not access them, and he would receive correction and punishment from his father.

That is how it is with us.  When we keep God's commandments and do His will as we know it, we live a happy, comfortable life and God is always there for us.  When we choose to rebel and knowingly live in sin, we pay a high price because that gives evil a right to rule and reign in our lives.  God is still the same -- all the benefits are still the same -- but we cannot access them because we refuse to obey.

Pretty simple, huh? 

The refrigerator repairman was supposed to show up yesterday between 1 and 3.  He NEVER showed up.  I called and left messages on a recorder that told me they were closed on Friday and Saturday.

I called Lowe's where I recently purchased the brand new refrigerator, and I complained to them.  They referred me to the Repair Division somewhere in Louisiana, and a girl kept saying, "We apologize for that."  I think she must have learned that from the AT&T people.

So, my lettuce is still frozen -- my celery is still frozen -- and I am trying to remain calm.  Actually, what good would it do to get upset?  No matter HOW mad you are, customer service is programmed to say, "I apologize for that."

I cut out another blouse this morning, and I will start putting it together after lunch.  I'll take pics, of course, when it is done.  It is not SFD, but I did compare it to my SFD pattern to make sure it would fit me.  And we are supposed to go to the office this afternoon to hang up Route 66.  I'll take pics of that too.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Joy
    I am not so sure what you mean by sleeveless yoked blouse yesterday, is that in the Sure Fit kit or a pattern that you laid your SF pattern over for fit??
    Sure is cute, and I do like the extra darts in the back, much more flattering,
    God Bless

  2. It is a Sure-fit Design pattern I made from my SFD blueprint. SOMEWHERE, Glenda explains how to make a yoke. I think it is in the Dress Kit book. There are separate dots to use for "sleeveless" blouses.
    Hugs, Joy

  3. Joy,
    This part must include tank tops for summer or for wearing underneath a suitjacket?? I will have to look for that, I probably will be needing that sometime soon~ thanks!


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Hugs, Joy