
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dresses, Slips and Stuff

Blogger is driving me CRAZY right now!  It won't let me put my pictures or my words where I want to.  Some days are like that donchaknow! 

I have decided I LOVE my two new dresses.  Is it like that when you sew?  When I'm sewing something, I decide I hate it, and I will never wear it.  After I get it all done, and I put it away and forget about it for awhile, it looks totally different to me.

YES, I know the hem is too short.  You should see it when I am sitting down!  I was reading another Phyllis' website yesterday, and she was talking about hem lengths.  I think I'll send her this picture and ask her what the right length is for me.  I have thick ankles BEFORE they start swelling every day -- thank you, Mother and Daddy who both had them -- so I don't like anything down around them unless it covers them completely.

Remember me telling you I wanted to find a cullotte slip?  Well, I found one.  It is from Carol Wright, and it is the PERFECT length.  It doesn't ride up at my waist as regular slips do because, of course, it would have to go through my crotch to get there.  I got a black one and a beige one. 

So now I am going to start another project.  I think I will take the advice of one of my readers and make something slinkier with a waist accent.  I'll keep you posted on that.  I will start with my SFD Dress Kit blueprint.

Just got back from dinner at Outback with Margaret.  After dinner we went to Bed, Bath and Beyond.  I found some rugs to replace the 15-year old ones in one bath of my Kingston home and I found the neatest mirror.  It is one of those little round pocket mirrors that you can suction cup to your bathroom mirror but it is magnified FIFTEEN times!  You just want to laugh when you look at what you THINK is your best face in it!  I can see hair in places I didn't think hair grew on!

Gotta check on Jerry.  Poor baby is sick.  He has what his Mother has.  I told him he has to start washing his hands 20 times every hour like I do.  Not only is he sick, he told me he woke up in the middle of the night last night because he felt something crawling on his back.  He put his hand around his back and tried to brush it off.  He still felt it.  He brushed it again.  Still there.  He decided to turn on the light and get out of bed and take off his undershirt.  GUESS WHAT IT WAS, he said to me.  I guessed a spider - no - a cricket - no - a grasshopper - no.  It was a 2 1/2" long scorpion!  Thank God it wasn't me in that bed with that thing on me.  We would have had to buy a whole new bed! 

Hugs, Joy


  1. I think your dress is really cute. I really like the diagonal lines that showed up in the print after you made the dress. I'm so glad you didn't decide it was a wadder.

    A new bed! Huh, you'd have to catch up with me before we could even think of a new bed. I'd be in a different county before I stopped running and screaming.

    I don't know if I'll ever like the red dress. Right now I'm really disliking it.
    Hugs, Phylly

  2. So did you use a reg bust dart or a French dart? Love the shape. Who is Gertie?



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Hugs, Joy