
Friday, September 28, 2012

My Gertie Coat Muslin and Chef Jacob

For my sewing friends:

I worked on my muslin of Gertie's B5824 coat pattern today. 

I had to do all the usual corrections to my paper pattern.

Sway Back:

Round Back:

Full Bust Adjustment:

I sewed the muslin together, and it isn't horrible, but it isn't right either.  I am going to have to LENGTHEN it, obviously.  I also need a little more room on the sides.

What I dislike the MOST is the collar.  I hate collars anyway, and this is the reason why.  They always want to stand up and wrap around my face.  I want them to lay down on my shoulders.  If you look at the picture of the blue coat at the top of this page, the collar isn't up around the model's face. 

If anyone out there knows how to fix this, please advise me.  I don't sew collars, so I don't know this fix.  The shoulder slope seems to be fine.  The back neck is lower than my SFD blueprint.  Front and back both look fine when I compare them to my SFD front and back.  Of course, they don't have a collar on them.

I guess I will experiment on my own if I don't get some advice.  Maybe I'll post on Sewing Guild too.

We met our good friends, Robert and Deanna, at the Olive Garden tonight for dinner.  I was delighted to find out that my grandson, Jacob, was cooking there tonight.  I did bad and called him a "cook" instead of a "chef".  Jerry and I purposely ordered what we knew Jacob cooked.  Deanna ordered it too.  It was called Chicken and Shrimp Carbonara and it was DELICIOUS!  Chef Jacob came out to our table for a minute, and I got to compliment him.  Later I sent a tip back to the kitchen for him.  I am so thrilled to see him WORKING.  We have been trying to teach Jacob to work since he was a toddler.  He never really saw the need for it.  He usually showed up when the work was all done.  He is the daddy of our sweet baby great-granddaughter, Jourdyn, that I showed you a few weeks ago.  Mommy is Kourtney, and she works at Ted's.  We saw her last night when we ate there. 

They are at work or at school most of the time, and there are LOTS of people who love to watch Jourdyn so I don't know if I will get a turn or not.

Hollie is coming back on Monday from Alaska.  She will be home for three weeks.  John is off on some field mission or something with the Army.  Hope I get to see her while she is here, but I never know my schedule until Jerry tells me what it is.  We shall see. 

That's it for tonight.  I'm going to go crash in the recliner and watch Jerry watch TV with his eyes shut. 

Hugs, Joy

1 comment:

  1. Check out the Shawl Collar instructions on pg. 44 of the SFD Dress Kit Instruction book. I've made this jacket with these instructions and for the most part it lays relatively flat at the neck. It looks like Gerite's collar is simply a wider lapel on the shawl. One reason it is likely pushing up on your neck is that the outer curve isn't open/wide enough to lay flatter on your shoulders. You might consider asking Gertie how to get it to lay flatter.


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Hugs, Joy