
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Crotches and the Red Coat

What a fun morning I had Skyping with Tina.  Like Tina said, "How often do you find someone you can talk to about crotches for 2 hours?"

Oh, my!  To the untrained reader of my blogposts -- that may appear to be a dirty sentence!  Let me correct that. 

"How often do you find someone you can talk to about SEWING crotches in pants for 2 hours?"  Yes, that reads better.

You have to be SO CAREFUL these days about how you say every little thing.

The politically correct police may come looking for me.  Actually, if they do, I doubt it will be about "crotches".

Anyway, we talked about how to get the crotch length and curve just right when making pants.  Tina has a very small waist compared to her hips which aren't at all large.  She can't buy RTW to fit, like most of us.  I encouraged her to try Sure-fit Designs.  She is going to watch some of Glenda's videos.  She was using the Palmer/Pletsch jeans pattern which Phylly and I have both tried to make.  Even with all the "helpers" in their patterns, they just don't come out right for me.  The waist on the Size 14 that Tina was using had FIVE inches of ease in it!  Good heavens.  She could use it for a tent in the backyard!  She is going to try another pattern, and then we will get back together. 
I am enjoying so much having sewing friends in all different cities.  Tina actually TEACHES sewing.  You should be giving ME advice, Tina!

After talking to Tina, I went to work on my red coat.  I got the lining sewn to the INTERlining -- the warm stuff -- and then got part of the lining sewn together.  I decided to quit while I'm ahead.  I also got one side of the black collar sewn on.  VEEEEEEEEEEEERY nice! 

Almost time to fix supper.  Pork chops tonight.  I suppose I will be serving air with mine since I ate two tuna salad sandwiches for lunch with a lot of sliced grapes inside. 

In case anyone cares, Jerry and I will be back in Edmond on Sunday.  Crazy that we can't seem to get to stay home.  We'll be there through the 30th when our next court date is for the guardianship hearing for Jerry's Mom. 

Hugs, Joy

1 comment:

  1. Ooooo! Pretty soon you are going to have a beautiful red coat to wear!

    Didn't we start using the term "fishbowl" so it was easier to discuss the crotch sewing problems? I remember a lot of laughter that Saturday!

    Of course, there is someone interested that you are heading back here on Sunday. ME!

    Hugs, Phylly


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Hugs, Joy