
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

DWTS and Red Coat Update

Howdy Friends!  Did you watch DWTS last night?  My goodness, was I EVER surprised.  Jerry was watching it 150 miles away at our other house, and he called me just to talk about it today.  How CUTE is that?  It was surprisingly good. 

Did you see Sarah Palin in the audience?  She is SO GORGEOUS!  I wish they would ask her to be on DWTS, but I bet they won't because she could majorly upstage her daughter who is about as exciting as watching bread rise.  Jerry and I decided she has her Dad's personality.  She just doesn't have any pep in her step.  Do I think I could do any better?  Yep, I actually do.  I think I could keep up with Kirstie.  I think we are the same age: Antique! 

My best guess is that Kirstie Alley and Bristol will be the ones off tonight.  You never can tell though.  Kirstie is very popular.  She has all the personality that Bristol lacks.

I got all of the red fabric and the black lining cut out for my coat today!  I will start sewing it together tomorrow.

I didn't feel good after lunch at Braum's today, so I didn't get as much done as I would have.  The chicken in my sandwich must not have been the freshest bird in town or something.  Maybe my stomach went into shock that a french fry didn't follow every bite.

I decided to lie down for awhile -- and I hardly EVER do that -- so I must really have felt bad.  And it seems that even though I hardly ever take a nap, it seems to be a signal that I want the lawnmower crew to show up just as I start to nod off.  I didn't rest for long.

I'm off to get in my jammies, grab a tall glass of ice water, and land in front of the big TV for DWTS.  Hope you will join me.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Hey Joy Joy! I put my muslin together tonight, everything but the sleeves. It looks good so far. I am going to slim the sides down below the hips. It is really full, as we talked about Saturday. Tomorrow I'll put the sleeves on and the under collar.

    I hope you are feeling better now.

    Hugs, Phylly

  2. hope you're feeling better.
    i finished the shell of my coat. it is ... horrible and frumpy :/ hope yours turns out better

  3. Rebecca,

    Oh, NO! What a shame. I am making a DIFFERENT coat right now because the fabric for my Gertie coat is 150 miles away. I will let you know how this one turns out. So far, so good. I'm not making a muslin because I Palmer/Pletsched the paper, and that always works pretty good for me.
    Hugs, Joy


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Hugs, Joy