
Saturday, October 27, 2012

My Sole

So, here it is.  Yep, I made Jerry take my picture.  He is used to it now.  A year ago, he would have refused to do it.  I would have had to put the camera up on something tall -- push the 10 second delay -- run over and jump on the machine and smile.  So much better to have a cooperative husband!
Jerry and I like to buy the best we can afford, and from the reviews and research I did, this was it.  I don't like to buy anything I haven't actually tried out, so I was thrilled to find out that Sears sells them. 
Jerry, of course, wanted to come home to see if he could surf the web and find it cheaper.  He wants it to be a big secret, but I immediately told the Manager that he wanted to do that.  Suddenly, Sears was able to give me FREE delivery and set-up -- no small thing considering it is 150 miles there and 150 miles back -- and I got $85 off for putting it on my Sear's card.  Not bad.  The price was the same as the internet price except for sales tax, but with the discounts, we figure it evened out real fast.

I have another salesperson story for you, but this is a GOOD one!  I found out the Manager's name when I called yesterday.  I had the clerk I was speaking to on the phone tell the Manager that I had been waiting several days for this machine to be set up because when I was there several days ago, it was not on the floor.  Zachary was the first clerk to help me.  He told me the E95 would be set up any day.  The Manager -- a woman -- saw that it actually WAS taken out of the storeroom and it WAS put up.  She promised I could come try it out this morning.

When Jerry and I walked in at 10 am this morning, a young man and the woman Manager were on the floor working on it.  NO SMALL TASK, let me tell you.  This thing is a monster!  Look how far it sticks out into the walk way.  It is supposed to be up on the red pad.  It is over 8' long. 

I had walked on every elliptical there, and this one was, by far, superior.  I just loved it right away.  It was VERY quiet and so smooth.  It will be delivered to my upstairs "fitness" area next Friday.  It took 4 hours for this to be assembled this morning.  Hope the guys delivering it know what they are doing.  Surely, there will be at least two of them!

I have two very nice treadmills to sell now.  Anyone out there need one?  They are both "like new". 
One is a NordikTrack and one is a Smooth.  I'm going to advertise them next week if I can figure out what town I will be in.  No way am I shipping them, so someone local will have to buy them.

That was just about my whole day.  We bought some groceries, went to Olive Garden for lunch, and we came home.  Jerry is watching football, and I'm talking to you. 

Hope all is well in your world.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Holey Moley! Eight feet long! I don't think I have a room big enough for that.

    What a great manager. There aren't many that would be down on the floor putting equipment together.

    Did you sign up for the Pam Howard class on Craftsy? They have a special for $19.99 for one class. I wanted to take advantage of the price even though I can't really work through it right now.

    The bound buttonholes are in my coat. They are not perfect, but they are done. If I remember right from when I put them in coats 40 years ago, (ouch! that hurt) they looked better when the coat is finished. It is just like quilting; things always look better when you look at them a week later.
    Enjoy your new Elliptical.
    Hugs, Phylly

  2. One more comment: Will you be able to read a book or iPad on your Elliptical?
    Hugs, Phylly

  3. Hi Joy

    I'm Sally in Scotland. Been watching your utube videos about sleeve gather but can't get it to work. Can I check stitch length, width, tension with you to find out what I'm doing wrong? Many thanks.

  4. Sally,
    Use LONG stitch. I use 4. You have to hold your finger behind the foot and not let the fabric through. I don't change the tension and the width is a straight stitch -- NOT zig zag. Only on row of stitching is necessary. It is SO easy. I hope you can do it. Try it on a plain rectangle scrap of fabric.
    Hugs, Joy

    1. Thank you Joy. You are very kind. I have it now. Sleeves in. Not bad for a novice. Many thanks.


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Hugs, Joy