
Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Yep!  I refuse to let the devil steal my joy or my peace over this election.  If you know the Bible, you KNOW there is going to be a huge war in Israel.  If you have been listening to John Hagee's 4 Blood Moons series of sermons -- awesome -- then you know the next eclipses of the moon are in 2014 and 2015.  Eclipses are God's sign in the sky that something big is about to happen in Israel.  I realized after Sunday's sermon that Romney would not win the election.

You can still listen to it for the next 4 days at - GETV - Archives.

There is no way America would ignore Israel if Romney was President.  Obama hates Israel, and he hasn't even been there once, and you know if you listen to Fox how awful Obama treats Benjamin Netanyahu. 
According to Hagee, that is just the way God wants it.  God wants to rescue Israel, and He doesn't want anybody else taking credit for it. 

So I guess I will start stocking food and buy some rain barrels. 

We have already applied for our conceal and carry licenses for our guns. 

I hear the Stock Market took a big fall today.  Get ready for all kinds of chaos in America so the masses of unamerican "Americans" can get there free cigarettes, alcohol and gambling, and the poor dears won't have to get a job.  The ones of us who have jobs will have to continue paying for all of that and more.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!!!  He will provide all our needs according to HIS riches in glory!      Phil. 4:19

I'm making pants again.  Spent about 8 hours so far just trying to perfect an SFD pattern for my slight weight loss.  The red coat is almost done. 

We have to go BACK to Edmond again this weekend.  I feel like I'm on a yoyo!

Hugs, Joy

1 comment:

  1. Time to have Roger teach me how to shoot a gun. I can't aim a thing, except maybe a needle into fabric!
    Hugs, Phylly


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Hugs, Joy