
Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday Stuff

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo everyone!  I'm so glad you are here -- really, I am!  I wanted to show you my new camo pants and my pretty bracelet, but I didn't get anything done today because the internet wouldn't cooperate so I could finish my work for our stores.  Then I HAD to go have lunch with Phylly because I haven't seen her for almost two whole weeks!  We went to Olive Garden and Heath waited on us.  SUCH a treat.  He was spoiling Phylly more than me though, so I had to say something.

Then I went to Sears so I could exercise on their Elliptical that is the exact model that I bought a few weeks ago.  I exercised and carried on a conversation with Zachary who was my salesman.  He was telling me all about the store closing.  I couldn't believe it, but Phylly had told me about it.  It closes in January.  I asked him if the Elliptical would be marked way down.  He didn't know.  I thought I might buy it for this house.  I won't though.  It is too big for here.  I did think about a vacuum or sewing machine, however.  There probably won't be anything left by January.

I will take some pics tomorrow and post them.  DWTS is on tonight, so we have to watch that.  Kirstie Ally (Alli, Alley ?) is off, as she should be.  Who else is off?????  Oh, yes:  Gilles was voted off.  My favorite is Shawn and Derrick.  I LOVED!!!!!!! the Titanic dance.  I really like that movie though, and the song from that movie.  I really like Melissa too, and I would LOVE to see Tony win.  He has always gotten the worst dancers.  Remember that lady with the 8 kids?  He said to her, "Can you move AT ALL!?"  Cracked me up.

I am taking a class from Pattern Review by a real classy lady.  For some reason, her name keeps slipping my mind.  I am learning how to do exposed zippers -- which I think look ridiculous -- but the way she does them is very nice.  I'm going to put some in my new warm camo pants.  I also bought some boots today to wear with them.

ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, I actually bought some nice slacks and a pretty blouse for Christmas.  The clerks never can believe it when I tell them my husband WANTS me to buy nice clothes.  I never can believe that I can find any that fit me right.  I found one blouse I really liked a lot, but it MAJORLY needed an FBA.  Most RTW does.  I bought some red slacks, black slacks and brown slacks in -- get ready ......................

SIZE 12!!!  I have been wearing Size 16 and 14.  VERY exciting!  I thought it would force me to keep losing little-by-little on my DESM diet.

I better go.  Want to watch a bit of the zipper lady before I start my fun pants tomorrow.  I don't know why EVERYONE doesn't sew, as Sandra Betzina says.  It really is an awesome hobby!  Phylly just finished her plum wool coat.  She says she is wearing it tomorrow night when we drag our hubbies out to eat with us even if it is 80 degrees!  I'm sure it is beautiful.  I'll make her pose for us.

Hugs, Joy

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Hugs, Joy