
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Pics of My Camo Pants As Promised

FINALLY!  All 3 camo pants with my one SFD pant pattern are done.  All three have pockets and a fly front.  I am finally feeling better, and I think part of it is because I have not had any drugs today.  I don't know how anyone can be a drug addict.  I can't even stand the cold medicine.  I hate feeling foggy and tired.  I sound like someone snuck in my bedroom last night and hid a bullfrog in my throat, but other than that and a bit of a sore throat, I feel a lot better.

Jerry is home, of course, since it is Saturday, so I talked him into following me around with my camera.  He used to complain like I asked him to stand outside naked or something even worse, but he just does it now.  I told him he did really good, and he was so proud of himself.  I wanted to see if my camo pants really made me disappear in the trees.  Unfortunately, we are at our Edmond house today, and we have only a few trees here.  If I was in Kingston, I could have completely disappeared for you.

This is one Sure-fit Designs pattern drawn to my measurements, and three pair of pants using camouflage fabric.  Jerry thinks I've got a major problem, and he keeps asking me, "What's with all the camo?"  Well!  Everyone knows you should have at least three pair of camo pants when

A.  You live in the woods, and

B.  You are going to visit your Mother who lives in the woods.

Here's the pictures:

On the left (I hope) is the 2nd pair I made. 

It is heavy camo fabric from Hancock Fabrics.

I liked the green in it, but there wasn't a piece of fabric anywhere in Hancock's that matched this print.  Hence, the black shirt.

Pardon the shadows and the chalk marking the front fly.  Thought I washed that off.

Got Laurie's bracelet on!
On the right is the third pair I made.  One leg looks like it is from a different print than the other leg.

A good reason to choose a smaller print to make your pants out of.

Again, I liked the green pine needles in this one, and again, no fabric anywhere to match!

And below is the first pair I made out of the camo fabric I found in my stash.  This is a lightweight cotton fabric, but it has been so warm here, I have worn them many times.  Jerry says they don't even look like camo.  Maybe they really aren't.  I still like them though!

That's it.  Gonna quit for today and go watch the boring football game with Jerry and then get ready for the trip to Mother's house tomorrow.  That one is about an hour and a half drive.  So glad Jerry is driving.

Hugs, Joy


  1. You are so crazy! I like the print on the first ones the best. I'm glad you seem to be feeling better.
    Hugs, Phylly

  2. They fit well, you did a great job. I like them all, my fav is the third pair. Get well soon.

  3. All of your camo pants look so great and fit so well on you. And you look sooo happy! Glad you are over your cold - nothing worse than feeling so miserable. Next time you even 'think' you're getting sick with any kind of yuck, spray the back of your throat with Thieves. It's a Young Living product - an essential oil. It wards off all kind of bacteria. I haven't been sick in ages. And Wes, who still has his tonsils, and who doesn't believe in anything alternative (when it comes to personal care), wouldn't be without it anymore. The second his throat starts to feel scratchy, he sprays in day...all better! We both swear by it.
    Take care...who wouldn't love those pants....
    Glenda (Sure-Fit Designs)

  4. Wow, you look so thin! Maybe I need a pair of camo pants...


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Hugs, Joy