
Monday, December 31, 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR!, Another Wadder and Phylly is Coming Back with the Princess Pants

Yep.  The top I started yesterday is on the floor in the sewing room until I remove some pins and toss it.  It came out WAY BAGGY in the front, and the way the instructions said to finish the yoke was insane!  It's back to Sure-fit Designs for a simple shell top with, maybe, a few pleats in the front.  Or maybe pin-tucks.  I don't really know how to allow for pin-tucks though in the pattern.  You just sew them in with a special foot, if I remember right.

Phylly and I had lunch at a restaurant we haven't been to before (for lunch) called Johnny Carino's.  The salad was very good along with a luncheon portion or Chicken Fettucini, bread and dipping oil.  BUT what was really great -- and I think a BRILLIANT idea -- was the miniature desserts they had.  OH, OH, OH!!!  I just remembered I took a picture.  Hold on......................

HOW DARLING ARE THOSE?????  A baby cheesecake and a baby tiramisu.  Believe it or not, I left about one-third of the cheesecake for my DESM diet.  I was SO PROUD OF ME!!!

Next time, I'm getting the tiramisu because I love the baby cup it is in.

After lunch, I had to stop by my eye doctor's office in the Mall to see why one of my eyes was half blood red.  Turns out it is nothing.  He said I could have broken a tiny blood vessel when I sneezed or lifted something heavy or, or, or ................  He said they don't really know.

So here it is -- New Year's Eve -- and I am all by myself.  Jerry and I never do anything anyway.  The last place we want to be is on the roads.  I will celebrate when Phylly comes over tomorrow since she is off work for the holiday.  She is bringing her SFD Princess Pant pattern and the pants, so we will try to make a video.  Get ready to laugh!

Happy New Year to you all, and I look forward to blogging with you in 2013.

Hugs, Joy


  1. I ate every bite of my little Tiramisu and scraped the tiny cup clean with my spoon. I really wanted to lick it clean, but we were in a public restaurant, so I restrained myself. With difficulty.

    Hugs, Phylly

  2. Have a Blessed New Year to both you and Jerry and Phylly. I look forward to watching the video. I also just realized I never officially followed your blog. I just used Netvibes to get updates to your blog. God Bless.

  3. Joy, can't wait to see the new video with you girls fitting the pants, or whatever you end up showing. Happy New Year to you & Phylly. Hope it's a year FULL of sewing projects. I made my first knit top using the Renfrew top from Sewaholic Patterns and love it. The sizing was great & accurate with the pattern envelope. I feel quite proud with my first knit project. In fact, I am making a second Renfrew top, this time in the cowl neck design. I am going to pick back up on my pants pattern that I showed you when you & I Skyped. I am going to add front pockets, but need to investigate that a bit more to decide which type I want to make. By the way, what is a DESM diet you keep referring to? Have a blessed day! This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice & be glad in it!!!


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Hugs, Joy