
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Sad Sky and Play Day Coming

Helloooooooooo everybody!  I've been blue all day long.  Not the color blue, the feeling blue -- you know -- sad, melancholy, unmotivated -- blue.  They should really call it "black" because it better describes it.  Blue is a cheerful color and the color of the sky.  Come to think of it, that is actually the problem.  It has been cloudy all day long, and cloudy days always affect me that way.  So, I guess "gray" would be the right color.

What I need is some SUNSHINE!  It has been really cold here.  I don't know how John and Hollie can stand 40 below in Alaska.  It doesn't even seem possible that people could live where it is that cold!

I am sewing.  I am almost done with a simple top I am making.  I'll take a picture of it tomorrow.  Funny.  It has trees with snow on the branches and little gold balls.  Don't guess I will be wearing it now since Christmas is over.  It was just a muslin, but it turned out. 

Phylly is coming over Saturday for a play day.  MAYBE, I'll remember to do a short video for you.  I have no idea what we could demonstrate, but maybe we will think of something.  She is making pants with princess seams, and they are not cooperating.  I don't know what I'll be working on.  The red coat is still hanging on the dress form waiting for more tweaking.  I lost interest in finishing it after I bought the $60 coat from JC Penney's.

I know.  I will have Phylly model her pants BEFORE and AFTER fitting.  She always makes them big enough to fit a gorilla, and she is just a little lady.  I'm cheering myself up just thinking about it!

Think I'll see if I can figure out how to get the big TV on.  There are only about FIVE remotes to pick from.   Wish me luck!

Hugs, Joy


  1. Hi Joy,

    I enjoy your blog. Sorry you are not perky today. I grew up in Guthrie, Ok., haven't lived there for many years. I found you thru Sure Fit Designs. I am really getting interested in Glenda's fitting system. I would love to chat with you.

  2. Hi Joy,

    Love your blog - it really makes my day! I've been feeling grey, too, due to the grey Ohio weather and 8" of snow with more on the way (yuck.) But your blog today cheered me right up (love the graphics!) and got me in a sewing frame of mind. Would you please make a video tomorrow with you and Phylly or at least share what pattern Phylly is making? I've not seen a pair of pants with princess seams before and I'm quite curious about them.




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Hugs, Joy