
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dress Form, Cowl #3 and Earrings

Anita asked me about dress forms and where she might purchase one.  I think the Fabulous Fit dress form is really nice although the service was awful.  The prices have gone way up since I bought mine!  There are other companies that sell them, and they are way less expensive.  My suggestion is to go to Artisan's Square.  Try this link:,140.0.html

My posts started on Page 9 of that thread.  You will see some references to other dress form companies if you read for awhile after my posts.  You will find a lot of other great information at also.

So now, I am up to Cowl Neck Blouse #3 using my Surefit Designs Dress Kit.  Here are pics of #3 which is made out of a pink cotton knit from Hancock's that is not as slinky as the gray knit I did #1 and #2 with. 

I like this amount of fullness; however, I am still having problems with the neck. 

Pardon the scary face!!! 

Could I HAVE any more chins???   (Spoken like Chandler on Friends?)

Below is a picture showing the neck issues.  See the areas inside the blue rectangles I drew on the picture?

Those points stand up on my shoulders, and I don't like them.  If I take the shoulder seam in there, it looks even worse.  I guess I will wait for some words of wisdom from Glenda before I finish this.  I will have one gray cowl and one pink cowl, and I think that will be it for me.  I really don't like clothes I have to "fiddle with".  I'm a real EVEN person, and I like things to be the same on both sides.  Cowls want to hang all goofy and crazy, and they don't pay attention to what I try to make them do.  We'll see how I feel tomorrow.

And after I put Cowl Neck #3 down because I was frustrated with the neckline, I decided to make a pair of earrings.  I'm so glad I can fall back on my jewelry-making hobby when I get stressed with sewing projects.  The top I am wearing today is old and it even has a little hole in it, but I don't care.  It NOW has matching earrings!

Remember the laptop computer I dropped?  It came back from the fix-it shop today, so I am anxious to go open it.  It has Windows 7 on it which I liked a WHOLE LOT BETTER than Windows 8.  Then it is time to cook the Master's dinner -- and it is my great privilege to do that, so don't read anything into that other than my undying love and devotion to my husband.  

Can you tell we spend a LOT of time apart??? 

And, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!  I almost forgot to show you this.  Remember the new 3D TV we bought on Saturday?  It took hours and hours to get the goofy thing set up, and you can see the antique tv that has green people on it is still on the shelf behind the new one which is on the coffee table.

We watched Titanic in 3D and it was MAJORLY AWESOME!!!  That arrow sign at the bottom where you choose "Play" looked like it was out in the middle of our living room!  And, Jerry found the receipt for the movie, and we only paid $20 instead of $35.  YEAH!!!  I want to go buy some more 3D movies. I have lived a sheltered life, and this is the VERY FIRST 3D MOVIE I have ever watched! 

I really have to go.  We are having leftover Christmas ham sandwiches and quacamole'.   Thank goodness, Jerry doesn't usually notice what I feed him, ESPECIALLY, if that new TV is on!



  1. The cowl looks really great! I doubt if anyone else would notice the places that are bothering you. But I remember a Kwik Sew pattern that stuck up like that and drove you crazy. I sent you my pants pictures. Also, sent them to Glenda.

    Thirty days to go. Woo Hoo!

    Hugs, Phylly

  2. The cowl does look great! Looking back at your pattern changes, the shoulder slope seems to be less square on the new one. When I have this issues with the neck standing up at the neck edge, I need to raise the shoulder at the shoulder edge, or in other words, make the shoulder more square. Let me know what Glenda says. Maybe there is another fix.


  3. That pink is your color!I agree with Phylly that no one would notice your problem,but I do understand that it would drive you crazy.I think we all have people admire our things and then we are the first to point out what we think is wrong with it.Thanks so much for the info on the dress forms.So glad that you are enjoying your new TV.I have never seen a movie in 3D either.Just refuse to pay the prices they charge.I do not know how todays kids can afford to even go out on a date.

    Woo Hoo it is RAINING here in Norman !!!

  4. Hey, Anita! Are you in Norman, OK? We are so close. I am out of the cowl mood now. Worked on accounting today and went to lunch with Phylly. After lunch I went to Dillard's to return some jeans I bought, and I came home with THREE cowl neck tops. They fit and feel great. The fabric is SUPER-drapey though. Really makes a difference.

    Hugs, Joy

  5. Look at the difference between the shoulder slope/line from the gray cowl to the pink cowl. Perhaps the pink has more of a 'flip up' on the shoulder line at the neck point. It needs to be flatter/straighter there for that to lay flat like the gray. If the slope is the same as the gray, then perhaps it is the fabric, but I bet the shoulder/slope curve is different - more raised toward the neck edge and this is what is likely causing it to stand away from your actual neck.

    PS Phylly, if you read this, I didn't receive any pants photos from you. Perhaps send them again. Thanks Glenda


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Hugs, Joy