
Thursday, January 24, 2013

For Tina: My Experience with Silhouette Patterns

Tina asked me about Peggy's knit patterns.  My opinion of her patterns, in general, is they have poor UNproofread instructions, errors in the line drawings, and the instruction illustrations and cover photos are poorly done.

Phylly was over for a play day one time, and she was helping me fit Dana's Top #150 that has the v-neck yoke above the bust.  I had cut out the paper -- taped all around the seamlines -- snipped the curves -- and pinned the paper together.  Now, OF COURSE, a knit pattern is going to fit tighter than a woven pattern, BUT this one wouldn't begin to go where it needed to go.  I had cut it out to match my measurements -- not be SMALLER than my measurements. Phylly was frustrated, and I was frustrated, and I finally decided it wasn't worth the headache.  I wadded up all the paper pattern tissue and the envelope and tossed them.

Then there was Lee Ann's Blouse #125 that had the funny turtleneck that wraps around your neck in the back -- goes across your neck in the front -- then attaches at the armhole seam.  That pattern gave me fits too.  The directions were unclear, and the LINE DRAWING WAS WRONG on the envelope.  The seamline between the red marks with the arrow pointing to it IS NOT THERE.  I kept trying to figure out what I had done wrong that my blouse didn't look like the drawing.

I emailed Peggy about it, and she AGREED that it was wrong.  That is my number ONE pet peeve about her.  She KNOWS the mistakes are there, but she doesn't fix them.  That means every woman from now on and forever will receive the same WRONG drawing.  I can't imagine doing that ON PURPOSE.

This is a REALLY CUTE top.  I have seen Peggy wearing it.  If I could have SEEN UNDER THE FLOWER on the cover photo, I might have known how this attaches into the armhole.  WHY is there a flower there???

Between this photo on the cover of the pattern and the line drawing on the back of the pattern, I was very upset.  I threw the pattern and the fabric, which was a beautiful knit I had purchased from Peggy, in the trash. 

I, honestly, would like to have this blouse.  Maybe I'll cool down enough one day to try it again.

Peggy makes these blouses up in an hour or two, and they look great on her.  She doesn't HAVE to look at the pictures or read the directions though.  No wonder she doesn't feel our pain.

I HAVE made Jossilyn's Top #210 which is for knits.  I made it twice.  One was sleeveless, and one had 3/4 sleeves.  These turned out fine. 

I have also made both of Peggy's Yoga Pant patterns.  They were actually very good fit right out of the box.  I made a pair for my granddaughter also. 

Hope this helps, Tina. 

Tomorrow, my new video.  My husband is waiting for me.  Gotta run.

Hugs, Joy

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Hugs, Joy