
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

LOOK What I Can Do and Latest Knit Top

Sometimes, I cannot BELIEVE how ignorant I am. 

Now, you know about "ignorance", don't you?

As our preacher always says, "Ignorance" is curable; "stupidity" is not.

So I am officially CURED of this one thing, at least, thanks to my friend, Glenda.  I really can't believe that my lightning fast brain didn't SEE the little movie icon right next to the picture icon at the top of the blog page I write this on every day.  And NOW, I am wondering what that other little icon next to it does -- the one that looks like a piece of paper torn in half.  It says "Insert Jump Break".  OHHHHHHHHHH!  I bet I know what it is.  I'm supposed to take a break and go jump on my trampoline!


And WHAT am I blabbering about here?  The fact that I can put a You Tube video right here -- right on this page -- without copying a link for you. 


And other than that very valuable lesson today, I have been working on my FIRST cowl-neck top by using Sure-fit Designs Beyond Bodice Basics booklet.  Here is a picture of what I have SO FAR.  The sleeves are not in -- the hem is not in -- and I may, or may not, put the back waist darts in.  I am trying the new belt Santa gave me for Christmas to see if I should keep it or return it.  I think I like it.  I may make a denim dress to wear under it.

ANYWAY, here is the picture of what I have so far on the cowl-neck top.  Try to picture it with sleeves and minus the five inches turned up underneath at the hem.

GLENDA:  How do I get that fold between my formerly-a-lot-bigger boobs to go away???  When I try on cowl necks in the stores, this fold is always there, and I don't like it.  Would it go away if I removed that first bust dart transfer to center front and just did away with it?  I really like the rest of the cowl.  OR, do I need a BIGGER dart there?
That's it for today.  I need to cut out the sleeves for this and decide what dietary delight I am going to fix myself for dinner out of 3 thawed out chicken breasts. 

I MAY -- just MAY -- have a surprise for you tomorrow.  Don't hold your breath.  We'll see if it really happens.  I MAY get a visit from my great grandchild, Jourdyn.  I have only seen her for 3 hours of her little life, and that was at least 4 months ago.  I have formula, a bottle and diapers JIC!  Of course, the tiny newborn size diapers I have may not fit around her foot, never mind her bottom.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Well, I am saying prayers that you have your special great-grand-daughter visit tomorrow. Enjoy!

    Love the cowl neck - a new look for you! and it looks fantastic!

    I was a hairs breath away from ordering SFD and then one of the the kids needed money-there went the stash! Should be able to get it in two weeks. I am buying because of the success you and Philly have had with the product. You are a great endorsement for the product!

    Also, I want you to know how much your blog means to me. You help me with my faith - I sometimes borrow some of yours. You make me laugh with your humor and your "tell it like it is" strengthens me to do the same!

    Bless you my blog friend,

    Debora - NM

  2. Thanks Debora! So glad you enjoy my blog.
    Hugs, Joy

  3. I'm glad you figured out how to embed the video right in your blog. It makes it so much easier for readers to view it right there rather than clicking over to YouTube.

    Love that cowl neck on you Joy. Even without sleeves and hem it is for sure a style that look good on you. When you are finished and have the photo up, I'll post it on the Beyond Bodice Basics page on my websites. Well done.

    Also for the fold in the front, it's possible that a larger dart might be the answer, but you might also consider transferring the side bust dart up a little higher in step 1 - angle it up higher towards the drapy cowl part (in the next cowl top you make - as I'm sure you'll make more knowing how good they look on you). Definitely don't eliminate the dart...I think it would pull more.

    Kindly, Glenda

  4. Really like this style on you and I think that it suits you sleevelss as well :)

    I recently rotated my fba into a cowl neck sucessfully using this Burda style method
    I still kept the orginal dart and just rotated my 3cm alteration. SOrry cant show you a photo as I didn't like the fabric choice on me and the top become part of my sewing for charity ie donated.

    Enjoy reading your blog



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Hugs, Joy