
Friday, January 18, 2013

New Blouse w/Long Sleeves

I finished this blouse yesterday.  This is a Silhouette pattern that I have made before.  I NEVER put long sleeves in anything though because I think they add width at my hips.  Sounds weird, huh?  Well, when you are standing with your hands down at your sides -- what do they line up with?  Your hips.  So, I always put short sleeves in my tops.  Then they line up with my boobs and that, hopefully, makes me look wider at the top where I am actually narrower.

Here is the pattern.  Yep, the dreaded Silhouettes #575 by Peggy Sagers.  I had problems with the collar crossing over itself as you can see in the little picutre on the left of the back of the pattern below.  Therefore, I cut the collar entirely off, and I made this a V-neck blouse with a facing.  It fits quite well since these patterns have B, C or D cup sizing, or I would have transferred it to my Sure-fit Designs system.

You may recall the pink "Amoeba" blouse I made and hated.  It now resides somewhere at the City Dump.  I love the blue and white blouse, however.

Here is the 2-piece long sleeve I decided to put on this blouse instead of the short version at the top of the picture below.

You can see the OTHER Silhouette pattern that I took this sleeve out of. 

First time ever I've made a 2-piece sleeve.  I don't see what the big deal is about it. 

And here is the fabric I used with the GIGANTIC butterflies on it.  You can see in the finished blouse that these are now mutilated butterlies, and you can scarcely tell what they were.  Peggy said one time that giant prints look good "chopped up" in a multi-piece pattern.  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.  Not sure about that. 

The front and back both have a yoke and princess seams, although, other than the chopped up butterflies, you can't see them here.  This blouse was hot-off-the-press and wasn't washed or pressed thoroughly. 

Notice how my new SMALLER jeans are still baggy under the butt.
Too bad.  I'm not in the mood to make a dozen pair of new jeans right now.  I think I am going to cut out the pattern I borrowed the sleeve from today to see how I like it. 

Better get started on that!

Hugs, Joy


  1. What do you think about the craftsy classes? Which ones are your favorites, and which ones you did not like it that much?

  2. Hi. I just recently ran across your blog; I had seen a video you made on youtube. You mentioned your Sure-fit system. What's your opinion on that system? I've tried programs where you enter your measurements and print patterns out, but taping all of those sheets of paper together make me crazy!

  3. Urs: Craftsy is wonderful, in my opinion. The classes are great IF they don't freeze while you are watching them. I've bought at least a dozen or more of them. The ones I didn't like, I got a refund on. The others, I kept. You have 30 days to get your money back. Can't beat that!!!

    Diane: I LOVE SFD. You will get a great fit. The hard part -- for me --is making different styles. Some people are just naturals at that. I'm learning it. Glenda Sparling, the owner, is the BEST at giving helpful advice, and she almost always gets right back to you with an email. You draw your pattern out FULL SIZE to start with, and I think it is fun.

    Hugs, Joy

  4. Like your top. If you dont like full length sleeves have considered 3/4 length?

    Agree re SF love mine. Have also used mine to get DD a good fitting skirt pattern -she was very happy with the result.
    Long weekend here DH played golf today so no distractions got a KS t shirt sewn and cut out a summer jacket - summer in my part of the planet. Off to ASG meeting tomorrow where I hope to sew my jacket. Will probably do more talking than sewing


  5. Like the top also. Am curious---how often do you stand around with your arms at your sides? LOL


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Hugs, Joy