
Friday, January 4, 2013

Shelving Anyone? -- Cowl #2


I made up a revised pattern for my cowl neck top moving the bust dart up higher and making it the full original size -- HUGE -- and I cut out another front. 

This is what I came up with:

I could stack dishes on those shelves or put hidden treasure inside those folds!

I'm going back to the original cowl top I made yesterday.  It looks a lot better than this one.  It is the one on the right with the silver belt around my waist. 

If I had more of this gray fabric, I would keep experimenting, but I don't.  Tomorrow, I'll put the sleeves in and finish this.  It is a very nice knit, probably from Silhouette Patterns.

Jerry is back with me tonight, so I am going to go join him for the rest of the super-boring football game.  I HATE watching OU get within one inch of the goal line and not make a touchdown.  I've never been much of a football fan anyway.  I only watch it because Jerry does, and I am thankful he only watches Oklahoma's teams.

Google Blogger is being weird about pictures all of a sudden, so I have to see if I can figure out the problem.

Until tomorrow.

Hugs, Joy 


  1. I think the first one you did (with the belt in the picture ) looked just fine. I guess you were bothered about the straight fold over the bust line, but really it looked okay and acceptable. Look forward to the finished product. Long or short or mid sleeves? Love your blog.

  2. Hmmmm....Well, I like the second one better. It's more "cowley". If there is any "shelf" it blends in with the cowl. Of course, I liked the other one, too.

    HugsPhylly (will my comment appear, that is the question)

  3. Hi Joy, I like both of them. It's whatever you are most comfortable in. Now for someone like me who could stand a little more fullness on the front of my chest, the second one would be just fine. And of course, the more the fabric drapes, the smoother/flatter those folds would hang.

    Lookin' forward to seeing the finished blouse.

    Glenda (

  4. Looking forward to seeing the new blouse. I can only guess what that many inches taken away will look like.Joy, I have a question for you about your Lucy. I watched that video the other day about when she arrived at your home. I just laughed along with you and was just as excited as you.I have always wanted a Lucy of my own and went to the website where I think you orderd yours.They are having a sale this month and I was looking around to see what they had.No way do I have the $$$$ to purchase a full size Lucy.Could you please advise me as to whether you think any of the other forms would be worth spending the money on.I do not see that any of the outlet forms would work for me.I wear a size 16 in ready to wear.I know you speak your mind and will tell me what you really think.I do not want to throw my money away on a lesser product either. Thanks and appreciate you so much!!


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Hugs, Joy