
Monday, January 28, 2013

Sorry About Ads and Back in Edmond

Someone  commented today that some kind of advertising for Dr. Oz weight loss comes up on my blog.  It isn't there when I pull my blog up and, as far as I know, I get to it just like you do.  How strange.

Just know that I have nothing to do with any advertising, and I didn't even know it was there.  The only weight loss I have had is due to my DESM diet, as you know, and it didn't come from Dr. Oz.

If any of you bloggers out there can advise me on how to get rid of the ads, please do.

I arrived in Edmond today about 2 PM.  I made a quick stop by the house to unload my very full Honda, and then I went over to the nearby McDonald's for a fresh-baked oatmeal cookie.  They have the BEST oatmeal cookies -- in my opinion -- and I allow myself to have one occasionally.  Today, they were right out of the oven.  YUMMO!

Then I went to Hancock's to buy one of those long wires with the little hook on the end of it to turn straps for the camisoles I am making.  The products I bought from Jan Bones at the last ETA are wonderful.  I bought 2 of her books on DVD's, and there are patterns you can blow up for camisoles, slips, half slips, panties and thorough directions and tons of pictures.  Now, lingerie is something Glenda has not taught us how to do with Sure-fit Designs, but I bet we could.  Jan Bones said you could use a basic skirt pattern for the half slip.  I guess panties would be impossible though.  I think Jan is from Canada, but I wouldn't swear to it.

Anyway, while I was at Hancock's, I had to buy some pretty stretch satin to make a couple of cami's out of.  ANYTHING will be prettier than the one I showed you yesterday.   I bought dark purple and ivory.  Hopefully, I'll get them both done tomorrow.  I'll show you pics, but they may not be on me.

Time to quit for the day.  Gonna get in my jammies and read some more Jan Bones.  When Jerry isn't with me, I can do that.

Hugs, Joy

1 comment:

  1. Joy: I have done some research about the ads. I only get them on one of my computers - the other is ad free. I suspect it has something to do with the way I have my security and privacy settings. . . . . . Now if I can only figure out what to change!

    Many sites such as Yahoo and Blogger subscribe to these ads in an effort to generate income. Unfortunately, those of us with naive computer skills fall prey to such garbage. I updated to Yahoo Plus and still get the graphic ads. ARgh!


TO COMMENT: Scroll down a bit and find the word "comments". It may have a number in front of it. Click on it, and you will be able to leave a somment. I realize you have to choose Google, Facebook or Anonymous or ? to post a comment. If you choose "Anonymous", you will be able to post a comment, but please leave your first name in your comment so I know you aren't a machine.

I do enjoy receiving comments, especially, when they are to answer my questions!

Hugs, Joy