
Saturday, February 2, 2013

38th Anniversary and Camisole Pics

Hello on Saturday, February 2, 2013!  Isn't it just shocking that one month has already flown off this year, and we are in the second.  Yesterday was our 38th wedding anniversary.  Since Jerry and I were 150 miles apart, I texted to Margaret to see if she would be my dinner date.  Actually, it was probably a lot more fun -- but don't tell Jerry!  Girl talk is just so much more exciting than husband/wife talk.  Plus, I don't talk to Margaret every day, so we have to catch up. 

Margaret picked me up in her gorgeous gold Lexus at 6 PM on the dot!  That is the FIRST exciting part.  Women are always on time, and if they can't be, they at least call you and let you know they will be late. 

Then we went to Restaurant #1.  There was a one-hour wait.  We then started to go next door to Restaurant #2, but the parking lot was already packed there.  Then we crossed the highway and passed Restaurant #3 where the parking lot was also jammed.  Then I remembered that right down the street a bit was Applebee's.  Jerry and I eat there occasionally, and it is never so busy you can't get right in.  So Margaret and I decided to go there.  We walked right in, chose the booth we wanted and got an ADORABLE waiter named Jason from Australia.  We both ordered hamburgers and added a side.  Delicious!!!  Then we got the bill.  I was excited again to see that my ENTIRE bill was only $9.00.  Margaret's was a little more because she had iced tea.  We will definitely go back!

And I know that you haven't been able to sleep waiting to see my other camisoles. 

I have made two more.  The purple one -- that looks blue in the picture -- is my favorite, so far.  I am going to Hancock's in a bit to buy more of this lucious stretch satin fabric.  It feels sooooooooooooo good against my skin, and it isn't hot like I thought it would be.

Remember, Camisole #1 was the ugly tee shirt fabric.  Margaret agreed last night that this one is really ugly!  I love friends that tell me the truth.  I mean that sincerely.  Jerry certainly has no problem doing it!

Camisole #2 was this one:

Now, I like Camisole #2 a lot EXCEPT for the fact that I have to glue the straps to my bra straps to get them to stay up.

So, the next camisole in the pretty purple satin was a different style.  MUCH BETTER!  No straps to fall down.

Here is a picture of Camisole #3 - the purple stretch satin:

After this was done,
I went back to the paper pattern,
and I made an additional one inch sway back
correction.  That means the next camisole didn't have to have a seam going across the center back.

I also took the gathers out where a bust dart would be.  I had to add an inch to the length of the upper bodice because my boobs aren't up under my chin.  I decided to gather the extra fabric on the purple cami.  (See first pic of purple cami.)

It worked out fine, BUT, I read the directions more completely for Camisole #4, and Jan Bones advised shortening the bottom of the front bodice by whatever length you add to the top. 

So I did that.

Here is Camisole #4:

lots of weird wrinkles because Blueberry doesn't have a sway back.

This hangs perfectly on me.

I used the same tricot I used for Cami #2 above for this one.  it is very nice also.  The armholes turned out a bit smaller on this, and I have NO IDEA why.

Still very wearable, and I will make this style from now on because there are no falling parts that require body glue.

That is it for today.  Have to run.  My hubby arrives in a few hours, and I don't want to be in my PJ's when he gets here.

Phylly says it "depends on the pj's".  I assure you, these aren't that kind!

Hugs, Joy

1 comment:

  1. Well, I still like the first one, but then I like the fabric. No, it isn't as pretty as the purple one, but its not shiny and purple.

    You will be beautiful in our state of partial dress in our sewing class.
    Hugs, Phylly


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Hugs, Joy