
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Dinner, Shoes and Louise's Blouse

Just got back from having dinner with Margaret.  We laughed a lot, and had a wonderful time.  I did have to remind her, though, that she isn't allowed to do two things:

1.   Ask when the windows will be done.


2.  Ask when Jerry will be back.

Every time I ask one of those questions, the response is the same, "I CANNOT ANSWER THAT QUESTION!"  Hence, I might as well quit asking.

We found out we like Applebee's for their hamburger.  You can get a really nice salad instead of fries.  And without a drink, the tab is under $10.  Not bad!  I did comply with my DESM diet and remove 1/2 of one bun from the burger, and ate only one crouton.  It really works!  I am down to 146 pounds.  I was 157 when I started this diet that will have to last forever now that I've purchased all new jeans.

I ordered $1,000.00 worth of shoes today from Zappos. 

You REMEMBER about Zappos, don't you?  You can order a semi-truck full of stuff -- get it the NEXT DAY -- try it all on -- keep what you like and return the rest -- for ZERO shipping.  And, yes, I know the shipping is in the pricing, but still....  It is worth it for the convenience to me. 

I will play like my living room is a shoe store tomorrow, and try on all the shoes.  I am looking for only one pair of flats to wear to a June wedding.  Then I will pack up all the shoes I don't want -- which may be all of them -- and head down to UPS to send them back.  If you do it all in one day, the charge and the credit shows up on the credit card.  You end up paying for only the ones you keep.

I spent most of today cutting and pasting paper to remake Louise's Relax-A-Little blouse.  I really love that part of "sewing".  It involves colored paper, colored pencils, markers, glue, rulers and tape.  What MORE could you ask for to have fun with?  Just like when I was a child. 

Thanks to Phylly bringing me her uncut - unthrownaway pattern, I was able to start over.  I'll let you know tomorrow how Muslin #2 turns out.

OH!  I received a call from Hollie today.  That girl is so nice to me.  I am so glad my grandson married her.  Now, if they would just COME VISIT!  Of course, he is in the Army, and the Army has them in Alaska.  Not an easy thing to do. 

He knows he is being transferred SOMEwhere in May for more training, but it seems to be the deepest-darkest secret of all time.  How insane to tell these young people they are being sent somewhere, but not tell them where.  How is a grandmother suppose to relax!?

My 15 pieces of new fabric from The Cloth Merchants that Phylly made me wash is calling to me from the other room.  It wants to be folded and stacked up and placed neatly in my fabric collection.

Have a blessed night -- a wonderful Wednesday -- and a great week!

Hugs, Joy


  1. I order you about so! "Fix my lunch!" "Scoop those sleeves!" "Wash that fabric!" Hah! Its a good thing you were washing the fabric. I might have absconded with that black and white knit I was drooling over. But then, it is too big a print for me anyway.

    My pink top is completed except the buttons. The Ellageo behaved beautifully making buttonholes. No birdsnests on the bottom at all. I have the charcoal wool almost cut out in my 3rd Relax a Little Top. I think I have enough to get the collar if I want it, but I think I'll just do the band so it is a little bit different. I will put the pockets on it, again, just to be a little different. Oh, but I just realized I don't know where the facing is for the capped sleeve. It has to be around here somewhere. It probably "flew off" when the fan was turned on. I'll find it if I just keep looking. If not, I'll just draw one up.

    As far as Hollie and John. That is the military way. Keep 'em guessing & on their toes.

    Hugs, Phylly

  2. Woo Hoo! Found the armhole facing. All cut out.
    Time for exercise. I think I'll try the 2 mile walk. I may not be able to move tomorrow!

    hugs, phylly


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Hugs, Joy