
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Window Whirl !

OH MY GOODNESS!!!  WHAT was I thinking when I decided we should replace all the windows in this house?

Think twice before you ever have all your windows replaced with a different kind than what you already have.  Our old ones were metal.  The new ones are vinyl.  It is a MAJOR job and an even more major mess!  The usual contractor headaches were involved, including an over-zealous owner of the company.  A very strange guy.  He heard yesterday that I had washed a window.  He called me and told me to BE QUIET AND LISTEN.  I tried to say something several times, and he wouldn't let me speak.  Anyway, he insisted on buying us a gift card to our favorite restaurant, which I told him was Longhorn.  A $50 card arrived with the "A-Team" this morning.  Evidently, the work done the last two days was by the "F-Team".  Lots of mistakes. 

This is day 3, and the A-team left about 30 minutes ago.  It is raining a bit today, and they could not caulk the outside of the windows because of the cold, damp weather.  They did get the new sliding glass doors in which are MARVELOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I wasn't sure if I had made the right decision on those, but I did.

I took this picture yesterday when the F-Team was replacing the window next to Jerry's desk.  Jerry worked the entire time.  He had to be covered with white dust himself!

Below is a picture of the lovely builder-grade door/windows in our kitchen and bedroom which I HATED because the doors opened to the inside and clogged the hallway so you would have to close the door or walk all the way around. 

Here are the new heavy-duty, extra insulated sliding doors that have a very sturdy lock on them.

Below, you can see the mass destruction.  Thank goodness it wasn't 15 degrees outside!  It was cold enough as it was.  Below are the kitchen and bedroom after the double doors were removed.  The guys were eating lunch from Braum's in the back yard.

 Here is what the kitchen door looks like now:

Here is the bedroom after they put the new sliding glass doors in.  Now for a new bedspread and curtains made by yours truly.

And here is the living room with the new GRIDLESS windows in it.  I really love these gridless windows.  I was afraid after I ordered them that way that I had made a mistake, but Jerry and I now wish we had them on the front of the house as well.  The Salesman told us we should match the other homes on the front for curb appeal.  Whatever!

The F-Team that was here at first used a shop vac that did nothing but suck up the dirt in one end and blow it all out the other end.  I asked the A-Team to please not bring a shop vac in the house.  I told them I would clean myself.  They said theirs had a filter in it, so I agreed they could use it. 

There wasn't really a piece of furniture in the house that wasn't already covered with white dust anyway.  I am NOT kidding you.  EVEN Jerry who doesn't notice or recognize any form of dirt or dust in the house noticed last night that the RED couch was white and the NAVY BLUE recliner was white.  It was so bad that HE asked me where the vacuum was -- he couldn't find it (big shock) -- and he thoroughly vacuumed the couch and the recliner himself because he had gotten mad at me earlier because I was complaining about the dust.  He hadn't noticed any of it yet.

Not only that! 

When I woke up this morning, after worrying all night long how I was going to go to Tulsa for 4 days with my house so dirty; Jerry came up to me, gave me a hug, and he said:          (you better sit down now)

"I have decided that instead of going home tomorrow (to our other house), I am going to stay here and clean this whole house for you while you are in Tulsa."

I tell you, I go from wanting to strangle the man to wanting to erect a statue of him and have him nominated for Sainthood (or whatever they do to make someone a Saint).

That has been my week, so far.

Tomorrow, Phylly will arrive here at my house about 11 AM.  We will load what looks like about half my house into her car, and we will start our 1 1/2-hour treck to Tulsa.  Tomorrow night at 5 PM, we will meet Louise Cutting for the first time and watch her present her trunk show.  Then I will TRY not to spend a thousand dollars trying to reproduce it!

I will take pictures if allowed -- of course!

Hugs, Joy


  1. I would drop from a heart attach if DBF ever offered to clean my house. Good for Jerry! Have fun at your retreat.

  2. Hi Joy,

    Looks like you have some beautiful new windows going in. It really is hard to do construction when you are living in the house. At least you will get to leave!
    You and Phylly will have a wonderful time with Louise. She is a great teacher. She teaches some great techniques for fine finishing. Just have fun! Barb

  3. Oh, Joy Joy, we may be in real trouble! I've packed up half of my house, too! That is a whole house to fit into the back of my Freestyle! We might have to take Jerry's truck/car!

    We're going to Tulsa! We're going to Tulsa! Can you tell I'm excited?

    See you in the morning.
    Hugs, Phylly

  4. Replacing all the windows in your house with a different type was really a whole lot of work. Glad you had a contractor to do this project. It would be an exhausting job if you’ll do it yourself. Anyway, good decision that you opted for vinyl windows - they're an economical alternative to other window types. Plus, it’s more energy-efficient and easy to install. #Leah

  5. I'm sure you fully appreciate the window replacement once all the dust from construction gets wiped off. We can't do anything about it though. Renovation and construction come hand in hand. And if you plan to have it, like replacing all the window all at once, you have to think, not only twice but as many times as possible. Merrill @

  6. You had some busy days with the installation of your new doors and windows. And though it might've caused some clutter in the house, the good news is that you now have new, beautiful, and efficient windows and doors. And by the way, that was so sweet of Jerry to volunteer to clean the house while you went on your trip. I bet that made you feel wonderful. :)
    Jamie Hunt @ Renewal by Andersen

  7. Window replacement represents one of the more substantial investments you can make in your home. The replacement of old or under-performing windows can effectively reduce your monthly utility costs and give your home a bit more curb appeal.
    Windows And Doors Phoenix

  8. Welcome to the party of my life here you will learn everything about me. Gluggaskipti


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Hugs, Joy