
Friday, March 15, 2013

Biscuits, Eyes and Red MHAF

Not much going on today.  I met Phylly for lunch at Jimmie's Egg.  I was in the mood for breakfast, and so was she.  NOTHING like one buttermilk biscuit with sausage gravy on it and another with butter and jam. 

I went to see my Eye Doctor, Dr. Chase Vervak, for my annual check-up.  Next time I go see him, I am going to ask him if I can take his picture.  You would not believe how YOUNG this guy looks.  He is very likeable.

He was telling me about his live-in girlfriend today.  I restrained myself from telling him they were living in sin.  Aren't you proud of me?  Yes, I actually have done that many times in my past when advised of that living arrangement. 

He let me go on and on about what I thought he should prescribe for me.  He actually agreed with me.  He lowered the strength in one eye, and slightly increased the other.  I have 8 different strengths of contact lenses in my closet.  The company I buy them from will give me a refund if I return them, so I think I need to do that.

After my eye appointment, I went to Penney's to buy some underwear.  While I was there, I noticed a cute set of PJ's to take on our vacation to Branson next week.

I thought my husband might enjoy looking at some he hasn't already seen 10,000 times!  Let me take a pic real quick for you.

They are a lot cuter than they look.  They don't look good on blue people! 

There are some little shorts that go under the top, but since Blueberry doesn't have any legs -- like Lucy does -- I can't put the shorts on her.

If you decide to buy a dress form someday, let me caution you not to buy the cheapy style from Hancock's.  If I hadn't bought the nice one first, I guess I wouldn't know the difference.

Jerry will be back sometime tomorrow afternoon.  Phylly is coming in the morning for another play day.  YAY!  That makes two Saturdays in a row.  Unheard of!  I am going to work on the Louise Cutting overblouse in My Heart's Aflutter.  Phylly is going to work on another pattern.  We like to do the Palmer/Pletsch fitting we learned when we are together.  Impossible to do that alone, and husbands don't like to do it for some reason.  Why is it they think we should love to fish and shoot guns with them???

I think I took a picture of Muslin #3 of the blouse I have now made SEVEN of.  Yep.  #6 was a wadder.  I tried to take out the "maternity look" in it, and I took out too much.  I had the "exploding hip" look going on.  I started #7 today, and I think I am going to LOVE IT the most!  I'll take a pic when it is finished.

Here is the red one on Blueberry.  I am trying to show you the wrinkles under the topstitching in the facings.  The reason that happened is because I did not realize I needed to REDRAW the facings.  If I remove the topstitching, the wrinkles might go away.  Maybe someday when I'm desperate for something boring to do!

You can see the wrinkles here too.  Still, it is cute, and I will wear it.  As fast as I move around, nobody will be able to focus on them.

Out of SEVEN muslins, I have three keepers.  Pretty bad, huh?  Guess I'm going to have to go to fitting classes FOREVER!

I've got to clean up the house so Phylly won't think I'm a slob tomorrow. 

Plus, Jerry is coming back.  I don't want to spend my time cleaning house when he is here.  I haven't seen him for two weeks! 

I feel like we are dating.

Just heard from Jerry.  He will be here early afternoon tomorrow! 

I am so excited!!!!!  I will have someone next to me on the living room couch tomorrow night when I am watching the old TV Series "Nakita". 

How CUTE are those two marshmallow people!?

Gotta get.  

Hugs, Joy


  1. Miss Joy, just a thanks to you --and Phylly- for the blog direction about bias tape necklines and armholes. Every post said, "of course I bound with bias". I was picturing something like an old style flannel layette kimono with bias edges. Not so, and I appreciate the direction. If you want to email me we can discuss my many 'pattern cheats' for SFD. Many attempts have resulted in many shortcuts. Thanks again.

  2. Joy,
    This is a comment for your Serger. I have been having problems getting into your comment section.
    Regarding the Baby Lock, they are fabulous. My daughter purchased the Evolution, which does everything, then you don't ever have to get another machine. The big thing is you don't have to unthread everything to make one change, it will thread itself. After sewing on this, it took me a year to decide to get the Baby Lock Evolution.

    Really enjoy your posts and you should think about putting it into a book!
    Joan from FL


TO COMMENT: Scroll down a bit and find the word "comments". It may have a number in front of it. Click on it, and you will be able to leave a somment. I realize you have to choose Google, Facebook or Anonymous or ? to post a comment. If you choose "Anonymous", you will be able to post a comment, but please leave your first name in your comment so I know you aren't a machine.

I do enjoy receiving comments, especially, when they are to answer my questions!

Hugs, Joy