
Monday, March 25, 2013

Dancing With The Stars

Our favorite show is back on.  Actually, this will be week 2.  We watched last week, and Jerry and I both just looked at each other with our shock faces on when we saw Wynona.

Good heavens!!!  We had no idea she was that big.  I believe she has Kirstie Alley beat in that department.  Sure hope she gets the urge to get healthy now that she is dancing.  Dancing is an AWESOME workout.  I love to dance.  I have lots of dancing-style exercise tapes at home.  Problem is they are all on those old VHS tapes, and  I don't think we own a VCR anymore.

I feel so sorry for people that put on so much extra weight.  It is really hard on their bodies.  And having just lost 10 pounds myself, I know how hard it is to lose.  Phylly used to be 30 pounds heavier.  We are both constantly on the scale to be sure it doesn't sneak back up on us.  We sure don't want to start over on a whole new wardrobe!

Let me see.  Who else did we know on DWTS?  Oh, yes.  Dorothy Hamill.  We didn't know anyone else dancing this season.  Some of the pros have changed again.  Macs is gone.  I doubt he will be missed.  He was so in love with himself, we could hardly stand to watch him.  His brother is a little odd too.  Danced in a speedo bathing suit last season.  Yuk!

In case you care, and I doubt you do, lol, I have thrown the Box Top in the garbage can in the garage.  I worked on it and worked on it, and the last thing I did was CUT a hole in it!  I figured that was the final sign that it just wasn't meant to be in my wardrobe.  Tomorrow, I will begin on Anything But Ordinary and hope I have better luck with it.

Almost 7:00.  I better get out the four TV controllers and start pushing buttons.

Hugs, Joy


  1. You are a rebel! If I did sewing half as well as you I would wear it proudly. I so loved how you solved the first hole problem - it was stunning!

    Good luck with this next one.

    Debora - NM

    1. A rebel, huh? Phylly always tells me I'm too picky.

      I really didn't like that one from the start. You wouldn't believe how many of my garments end up in the trash. I can't stand clutter, so I just want it gone. It was just one "muslin", and you know I can make up to 5 or 6 before I'm happy sometimes. I consider time spent doing those kinds of garments as lessons. Not a very expensive lesson either when you consider I paid over $400 to go to Louise's class, and that doesn't include gas and hotel.

  2. Can't wait to see what you are doing with Anything but Ordinary. I just cut the pattern last night myself. Will get out my ugly fabric to trial it today. Oh yea, I am doing the t-shirt type top. I did the jacket a few years ago and loved it, but have sadly outgrown it.


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Hugs, Joy