
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Help Needed with Shapes "Box Top"

Yes, I made what I call a "Box Top".  Louise and Linda call it the "High Five Jacket".

You would THINK it would be really easy to make, but it is not.  It isn't hard either, but there are EIGHT mitered corners, and the hem goes on forever.  Mitered corners are not hard for me, but I thought I would never quit finding another corner to miter.

I used red knit fabric that was marked "GF" in the selvage.  That means I purchased it from Gorgeous Fabrics.  I was SHOCKED to get this thing cut out and notice AFTER it was all cut out that there is a hole in the back of it.  It is a very noticeable hole, and it has to be fixed -- somehow.

Let me show you some pictures.

I realize the back looks pretty good in this picture, but when you look at the garment for real, the hole really shows.
 One button.  I love that.

And THERE IT IS!  The hole.  The knit looks pink here, but that is because I fiddled with the brightness to try to show the hole. 

It is sort of a run of little holes.  It is very noticeable on the actual garment because anything worn under it is going to show through.  Here's a close-up.

THEREFORE, I am trying to think of what to do to cover it up.  I could embroider something over it.  I could applique something over it.  I could sew a knit flower on top of it.  But all of that would look just as weird as the hole if not connected to something else. 

Maybe I could start on the front of the blouse with some kind of viney thing, and go over the shoulder and down to the hole with it.  Bumble bees?  Birds?  Butterflies?  Flower vine?  There are little flowers on the button.  Maybe I could copy those somehow.  I don't know.  Maybe I'll just put it in the Goodwill bag. 

Gotta go.  Spent hours at The Stitching Post today sewing on the Elna Cover Stitch Machine.  Decided to pass it up and buy a brand new Janome 1000 CPX.  Nobody has it, of course, so it had to be ordered.  I'm sure it will come in just as I drive out of Oklahoma City and back to my other house.  I may have to assign Phylly a new job duty of driving down to Kingston to deliver the machines that come in here and then help me test them in case they have to be returned.  Surely, her boss (who works for me) would understand that new job duty.  I could tell her that I need to Cover Stitch something for a wheelchair or hospital bed. 

For those who don't know, we own Family Medical Supply, and Phylly works at the OKC location for the General Manager, Lu.  Jerry and I have offices at the other location in Kingston where our other home is.  The stores are 150 miles apart.  Hence, Phylly and I can't get into too much trouble.  Lu doesn't sew, so it is really hard to convince her of the mega-importance of my need for Phylly to come all the way to Kingston for sewing play days. 

If you are interested, you can see the two stores here:

Hope you are having a marvelous weekend!

Hugs, Joy


  1. Joy, If you can get along piece of yarn from a scrap, you could do a row of chain stitch embroidery right down that strip. It's worth a try.
    Good luck with your coverhem machine. I have had mine for several years and I love it. It's a Babylock.

    When you are testing it out, be sure to sew over another seam, to see how it handles extra bulk, as at the side seam, or shoulder.

  2. What a sad ending to a lovely looking jacket. Deep-six it as you (and as I) will never be satisfied......Lydia (will come across as anon.)

  3. We'll see if I can post tonight. Do not give it to GW or trash it. We may be able to fix it. That little tool you have hanging on your sewing wall for pulling threads might be used to pull the thread back up and into place, then pick it up on the inside and maybe tack it down. If not, then the appliqued, or embroidered vine sounds lovely.

  4. How about a "yoke" or diamond applique in the same fabric?


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Hugs, Joy