
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Muslin #2 of ABO. (WARNING: Print may cause dizziness or shock!)

Okay.  I am still working on Louise Cutting's "Anything But Ordinary".  If you could see Muslin #3, you would hardly recognize it as being that pattern.  I have changed it a lot.  Out of two vehicles full of supplies to bring home to Kingston from Edmond, the only thing I left behind was the almost finished blouse.  It is the prettiest fabric EVER, and it turned out so good.  I almost want to drive all the way back up there just to get it.  Almost nearly, but not quite hardly (to quote Peggy Sager's sign).

As for Muslin #2.  I did bring it home.  I wasn't in the mood to model it yesterday, so I put it on Lucy.  She doesn't care what I put on her.  I even put her arms back on this morning.  All I can say about arms on a manniken is that you better make sure they are VERY bendy.  If they weren't, hers would both be broken.

The pics below were taken yesterday, so she was armless.

This is what I call a "Bull's Eye" print.  I don't know WHY I bought it other than I love black/white and any other color together.  I didn't really notice all the "targets" on it.  It was quite a trick not to have one land at my apex.  You can see there are two targets underneath my bust and two above.  Maybe others won't see it as I do.

Here is the side view.  You can see I have taken waist DARTS in on this version instead of pleats.  I like it both ways, however.

I don't think I did anything else that is different from Muslin #1 on this version EXCEPT I did not use miles of Steam-A-Seam to glue down the hems and facing.  I just pressed them, pinned them, and topstitched them.

And here are two mitered corners.  They do look nice, but they are time-consuming to get perfect.  And, of course, mine have to be perfect to avoid demoting the garment to trash filler.

And here is a close-up of the tab and button. 

This is quite tricky to button behind your neck, so I reversed it on Muslin #3.  I like it MUCH better!

And I'm sure you have figured out by now that I am NOT going to the store today.  It is cold and rainy outside.  I decided to wait one more day.  My Office Manager is out today anyway, and she is the one I need to see.

So I am going to start another pair of Louise's new pants and a shawl collar blouse to go with.  I'll be back soon.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Love it!! and you did a fantastic job on it!!


  2. Oooh! The fabric is very pretty and it will make a great blouse for this summer. I'm with you on the tab in the front; it is much better than in the back. But it is better than one in the middle of the back. I really hate that!

    I think I'm ready to start cutting out my asymmetrical top, but it is time to stop and exercise, so it will be Saturday before I can get back to it. Crumb, I really wish I had more time to sew! I love exercising, but it is cutting into my sewing time.
    Hugs, Phylly


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Hugs, Joy