
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Patio Progress

It is Saturday morning, and it is a bright, sunny day.  I do believe I have died and gone to contractor heaven.  If you have read my blog for long, you know I have been through H E double LL with contractors.

IF they showed up,
and IF they were sober,
and IF they worked over 2 hours a day,
I felt lucky. 

These guys show up EVERY DAY at 8 AM -- even on Saturday!  They work constantly as a team, and they don't even take breaks that I can tell other than to eat lunch.  They bring an ash can for all their cigarette butts.  They clean up even the sawdust before they leave every day.  Not only that, this patio cover is way, way, WAY better than I ever imagined it.  I thought it would be like a shelf sticking out at the top of the windows, and all the old roof would still be there.  Not at all.  It looks like it was built on the house originally.  I am SO pleased with it! 

Here's some pics for those who may have the least interest in this project:

This is what the back of my house looked like when the project started.

This is one side of it as it looks right now -- this minute -- today.

This is another view showing how they shaped it above the top step of my patio.

And here is another view. 

I LOVE the way they are making the front of it look like a gazebo. 

It looks really dark on the patio, but it isn't at all.  Just the way the shade is where I am standing.


Here I am on the patio.

Lots of light.

We will be putting up ceiling fans and lights. 

You can see that this end of the patio is UNCOVERED. 

That is because we want to put a fire pit there with some chairs around it.  We didn't want to burn the roof down after we went to all this expense to get it built!

We aren't the hot tub type of people, so no hot tub.  I would not be able to DRAG Jerry into it, and he would probably drown me in it for making him maintain it!

Hence, the fire pit.  Marshmallows and S'mores.  Yum!

Better get.  I have done absolutely NOTHING today except shower, dress, eat breakfast and take these pictures. 

My husband, on the other hand, has been out since 8 AM on his tractor.  He enjoys that so much, and I think he is a major hunk on his tractor -- and his dozer -- and just standing in a room!  He has been doing push-ups for several months, and his arms and shoulders look awesome.  BELIEVE ME, if I could get him to pose, I would take a picture!

I have to go.  I'm working on a slinky red blouse.  Peggy Sager's pattern.  I've made it several times before.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Wow--that is one great patio cover! You will enjoy sitting under it. What you describe is what all contractors should do. With the economy the way it has been and anyone related to the building industry having been hit, one would think all contractors would operate that way, but, no, some just don't care. (Apparently getting a check and being able to eat are not a high priority with them!)

  2. Even though it's still unfinished, I can tell that it's going to be one great looking patio cover. I love the design idea of having a part uncovered for a fire pit. Covered patios are not far from looking like outdoor rooms and having that fire pit is sure to make it even cozier. I'd love to see photos of the finished patio. I hope you can share more, Joyree.Showtime Vinyl

  3. Great! Thanks for sharing such a nice post.. I like your patio design. Really good work. keep it up.


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Hugs, Joy