
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Swingin' and An Embassy at Home

Remember that song about the boy and the girl, and he saw her and "she was swiiiiiiiiiingin'"?  I've been singing that ever since last night when Jerry hung my new porch swing up on the new porch roof.  I can only remember that one line, but I'm singing it anyway.

I am SO excited about my new swing, I actually made a video of myself swinging in it. 

Before you watch it, you must swear that you will never use this against me in a court of law!  (-;

My "You Tube" button is not working today, so I'm afraid you will have to click on the link.  I was really surprised that I'm not the ONLY person to make a video of a swing.  Sadly, however, most of them have babies swinging in them or nobody. 

Evidently, a Granny swinging in a swing is not really something videos are made of -- until now!

And, of course, since it is Sunday, Jerry and I "went to church" this morning via  The son, Matthew, preached this morning.  The message was awesome, as usual.  The sermon in a nutshell was that we should make our homes Embassies of Heaven.  Even though the world is going to Hell at high speed these days, we can still have "our world" in our homes. 

Christians are not OF this world, but we are IN it.

I was taught that as a child, and I FOR SURE am one that doesn't "fit" into this world.  There are a whole bunch of people who will be happy to confirm that, I'm sure!  I was raised in Sunday School and Church, and we raised our kids in Sunday School and Church, and our kids sort of did that.  One is consistent, and the other .....  I'll just leave it at that.

The day could come -- and maybe soon -- when Christians are forbidden to even serve God in their homes.  Matthew said that the Government is already talking about churches having ASSIGNED pastors to their pulpit because they don't pay taxes.  It won't be long until the churches are like the schools.  Full of false-teaching, liberal politics and terror.  People will attend, but they will never know God. 

I better get my blouse finished.  It is all done except for one sleeve, buttons and buttonholes.  I bet I'll have a picture by tomorrow.  After this one, I'm making knits.

God Bless our servicemen all over the world, and be with the families who must live without them. 

Hugs, Joy

1 comment:

  1. Oh, a porch swing! I love porch swings. That is something I have always wanted; a house with a porch swing. There is nothing more soothing than the motion of a swing, a rocker, or a glider.

    We made it home. My DSIL and DH kept the 5 kids busy and gave my DD and me time together. We went to a yarn store; another love of mine. The kids were really good all weekend. Uncle Ron gave Josh a bit of a talking to when he started picking on his sister. Ron has a way of getting through to kids. I am so blessed to have him as part of my family.

    Yes, I agree, God bless our servicemen and women and their families. Please bring them home safely. If you see a man or woman in uniform, walk up to them and thank them for their service.
    Hugs, Phylly


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Hugs, Joy