
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Bobble-Head Joy

I'm home alone.  Between being here by myself and having to take the 600 mg Ibuprofen the doctor says I have to take for inflammation in my recently cut up leg, it is all I can do to stay awake today.  I haven't even THOUGHT about sewing something.  I see all the fabrics -- new and old -- and the patterns -- new and old -- and the tables and floor they are spread all over -- and I glide slowly right on by it all and head for a recliner.  I put my feet up because I'm supposed to do that too, and I THINK I'm going to find some life lesson to learn on my laptop -- and the next thing I know, my head is bobbing up and down, and my eyes are shut.

Now, some of you may not know this, but my husband is a Pharmacist.  He knows all about drugs.  He tells me that there is no way Ibuprofen can make me sleepy.  I've been trying to figure out where he got that absurd idea as my head keeps bobbing up and down!!!

Did you notice that I added something to the side of my blog.  Over there on the right.  I figured out how to show other blogs that I like, AND you will notice one called "Just A Little Bit of Sewing".  GUESS WHO STARTED THAT BLOG????  Our very own Phylly!

Now, please don't tell her I said this, but don't die of shock if after her 9-day vacation from watching her 3 grandkids all the time, her blog suddenly never sees a another key stroke from Phylly.  But go check it out while she is on vacation -- quick! 

The newest thing in my life, other than the 3 vericose vein surgeries, is Jerry's Mom.  You remember her.  Her name is Nida.  I spent a whole Summer at her house un-packratting it and getting it ready to sell.  She has been in the Senior Living Center called Countrywood (CW) for four years.  A few days ago, she went from bad to worse.  According to the aide, she was nonresponsive.  They sent her to ER in an ambulance.  The hospital sent her back to CW the next day.  One day later, at 10:30 PM, the same aide said she was nonresponsive again, and she sent her BACK to ER in an ambulance.  This morning, Jerry drove 200 miles to Kingfisher, OK to be with his Mom.  She is still in the hospital.  He was there all afternoon, and she never came out of a deep sleep.  I think they must have drugged her on purpose so she won't wake up as doctors don't want to be bothered on weekends.  At least, she is sleeping.  Jerry is going back tomorrow when she will, hopefully, be awake.  All we know is her heart rate is down -- her blood pressure is up -- and she is combative.  She will be 93 August 25th.  Looks like she may not make that birthday.  As soon as I am released to bathe and go somewhere by my doctor, I will be going to Kingfisher also.

I better get back in my recliner.  Not supposed to sit for long with my leg hanging down.  It is kind of hard to hold my leg up in the air while I am typing to you!  Believe me, I have TRIED!

Hugs, Joy

1 comment:

  1. Nida sounds just like my Mom, except her blood pressure was very low, too. Something like 65/40. She didn't open her eyes the whole week before she died.

    The 600mg of ibuprofen always makes me sleepy, I don't care what Jerry says. They gave me that when I first started having problems with my neck.

    I'm praying.
    Hugs, Phylly


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Hugs, Joy