
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

New SFD Blouse, CLD Pants and Just Chattin' Video

MY GOODNESS!!!  Have you missed me?  I sure have missed you! 

I wonder how old you have to be before life quits throwing punches at you.  Just as you think you have solved the last problem on your plate, something else jumps right up there to take its place!

Even so, I will praise God that I am ABLE to do all things through Him.  The Bible says so.

I decided to sit down and talk to you today because I haven't had anyone to talk to since Phylly left except Jerry, and the problem with Jerry is if there isn't a wheelchair under your butt, he doesn't have time to listen to you.  I feel guilty even expecting him to listen to me because of all the crippled folk that he helps.  So many sad stories, and he thinks about those people all the time.  What he does is VERY HARD, and my issues are so "nothing" compared to his patient's problems. 

I did call Phylly at work this morning, and I cried on her shoulder.  She was so adorable and said all the right things that men never know how to say.  I could have talked to her for hours, but she actually has more important stuff to do than listen to me too.  Same as Jerry:  wheelchair issues.  She works for our company, Family Medical Supply.

Anyway, let's talk!

I was just getting STARTED talking to you when the battery in my camera decided to croak, and the shutter closed, and the camera had no clue I was still sitting in front of it, and I was still rambling on to you about all my problems.  When you watch the video, don't be surprised when it abruptly ends.
I was just getting to the part about my legs.  You know how I never wear dresses.  It is because of vericose veins that require that I wear hosiery as thick as a garden hose, and with everyone wearing just skin these days, I look like a total nerd.  I had surgery for it five years ago, but it seems I am in the 2% of people who require it to be REdone.  I am scheduled for THREE procedures as the doctor will only do one side of one leg at a time.  I, of course, am nervous about that, and now, with Jerry's brother coming to stay with us for an indefinite amount of time, I feel like I will really be off my game when it comes to hospitality.  Jerry's brother may have to take care of me, as we all know, Jerry won't be here to do it.

Speaking of Jerry's brother coming, I really HAVE TO GO!  The vacuum is still in the hall, and the trash has to be taken out, and the laundry has to be finished, and dinner has to be started, and ....................  You know about all that.

ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND, if you have the eyesight of an Eagle, maybe you can make out Phylly's finished Jacket, Top and Pants.  She emailed me these pics, and they are so tiny, I can't even blow them up with PhotoShop.  Maybe she was hoping Obama would use them for the next postage stamp image! 

Hugs to all of you and please let me know what you think about my new Sure-fit Designs blouse in the video AND my Swing Set Pants AND my new jewelry. 



  1. What a week you've had. I will be praying for you. Great job on the blouse and pants. Blessings to you.

  2. Joy,The blouse is beautiful. I love it! It definitely does not look like a baseball shirt. I love the fabric. The trim is just perfect for it.

    Just remember what I said about your BIL, you are not the maid and not the entertainment director. Maybe he can take care of you since you are having the surgery. That might be just what he needs, but doesn't know it. Sometimes the best thing we can do is focus on helping someone else.

    I wish I could come down and take care of you after you have your surgery. Just think of all the fun we would have. We could have swinging therapy time and jewelry therapy time and sewing therapy time. I'm sure that would help you heal much quicker.

    I didn't realize the pictures I send you were so small. I usually send the picture set on medium. Next time I'll go to "large". Maybe I should send them to myself and then send them to you from my computer.

    Back to my red sateen which may be the death of me yet. It is horribly off grain and my arms and shoulders are aching from trying to straighten it.

    Hugs, Phylly

  3. Hi Joy
    I read your blog all the time and because of you I started with the Sure Fit patterns. I love them! Your blouse looks the way you did the facing and the piping. Could you make a video on how you convert your dress bodice to a V neck with all the corrections. Hope your surgery goes well.

  4. Hi Joy,
    Did you change the crotch curve on the swing pants? I watched your video on crotch curve and mine looks very similar. I can't seem to fit my flat seat! I've tried changing crotch curve and removing fabric below with little improvement. Louise Cutting is coming to Pittsburgh in August. She will be offering some fitting classes. My concern is her patterns appear to be too boxy and unstructured for me. I prefer a more fitted look. Would her classes still be helpful to me? Someone else will be offering fitting classes also but I don't recognize her name. Thanks for you input. Good luck with your surgery.


  5. Hi Linda!

    Louise Cutting is well aware that her patterns have a TON of ease. And, yes, she will tell you how to take that ease out, or make a smaller size, and how to do the fitting. She is a LOVELY lady and she runs a classroom full of women very well.

    And, NO, I did not change the crotch curve. That was the amazing thing about her pattern. She says she uses the European crotch curve in her pants, and it seems to be much better for my flat backside and Phylly's too.

    Hugs, Joy

  6. Hi Joy, sending prayers your way. All good things come from above. I'm excited to hear how the Lord will be using you and Jerry in the life of his brother and the blessing that will flow from it!

    God Bless,

  7. Joy, your new blouse is beautiful and flatters you nicely (and does NOT look like a baseball jersey). You did an excellent job on the wrong-side-out decorative facing. I always enjoy your videos -- please keep them coming!


  8. Joy,
    You my friend can do all things through Christ! Bless you. You are in my prayers for a successful surgery and grace to you BIL.

    Once again you have done a fantastic job of sewing great pieces!

    God Bless,



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Hugs, Joy