
Friday, August 23, 2013

Good Friday MORNING and a New Invention


Can you believe I am blogging in the morning?  I have already been up and around -- had my coffee, my breakfast and my vitamins.  I came in here to CHANGE THE SHEETS and get in the shower, but this laptop was sitting on top of the bed.

I couldn't very well change the sheets with a computer on top of the bed, could I?

So I picked up the laptop to put it aside, and somehow, unbeknownst to me, I am now sitting up in bed with 2 fat pillows behind my back -- my feet under the covers -- and the laptop on my lap -- "talking" to you.

And look at this:

I was looking for clipart for a picture of a woman using her laptop in bed, and I found this advertisement for a really fabulous invention.  I will HAVE to order one today, if I can find someone who sells them.  When I am in my bed at night watching sewing videos or jewelry videos, I keep slipping down -- down -- down in the bed.  If I had one of these, it wouldn't matter!

Here is another picture of the contraption:

So, whaddayathink about that?

Would you use one of these?

I suppose it would be an awkward thing to store, but maybe not.  I wonder how much it is.  I will have to research that later because I really do have to get these sheets off the bed and into the washer.  Jerry is arriving at noon today with our two cats, so I have lots to do to have everything perfect when he arrives.

Nida's 93rd birthday is on Sunday, so I must prepare a little birthday party for her.  (Nida is Jerry's Mom.  She has Alzheimer's/Dementia and lives in an Alzheimer's Unit of an Assisted Living Center about 50 miles away from our home here.)


Ah, yes!  The carefree life of little children.  How nice it would be for our biggest challenge to be how to get those bubbles to come out of that little hole.  

Hugs, Joy

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Hugs, Joy