
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Today is My Birthday

I had a lot of nice phone conversations today, including a call from my Boo Bear in Alaska and a Skype session with Phylly.  Thank you, Deanna, for the sweet E-card.  John and Hollie were on their way to church.  I was so thrilled to hear that.  They have been having a hard time finding a married couple to pal around with.  I suggested to Hollie that they visit some churches and join in some of the activities.

Jerry gave me the BEST birthday present in the whole world.  He gave me HIMSELF all day long.

He started the day by making my breakfast.  Then he came upstairs and fixed my broken white board marker holder tray.  Then I gave him a haircut which he really needed.  Then we went to town for dinner and groceries.

We went to my new favorite place, Wendy's.  They have a salad I really like that has blueberries, strawberries, chicken, almonds and other stuff.  I also ordered a baked potato and put my own butter on it.

Yep.  I actually brought some real butter with me.  I won't eat that plastic stuff.

I love it when Jerry goes with me to buy groceries these days.  It is a big job, and when it is 100 degrees outside, it is a HUGE job!

After all the groceries were put away, he asked me what else I would like him to do.  I told him he could go to work if he wanted to.  He said, "No!, I am spending this whole day with you." 

So, I decided we could come upstairs and watch an old movie.  We started to watch two different ones, and they were both super-boring and horrible.  We ended up watching part of the new TV series we are into called Downton Abby.

Last night, I managed to download a horrible bug onto one of my laptops.  I was TRYING to download Google Chrome, and I ended up erasing Internet Explorer forever, NOT getting Google Chrome, and the computer has a nasty virus of some kind.

I uninstalled everything with yesterday's date.  Then Jerry worked on it for hours last night.  He thought he had it all cleared up, but today, it was back to the nasty virus again.  He is working on it again now.

WHAT a hassle!  I need some R A I D!

Time to watch some more Downton Abby. 

Another birthday bites the dust.  Hope to be able to visit with friends and Jerry's Mom real soon.

Hugs, Joy


  1. What a wonderful day you had. Happy, happy birthday!

  2. Happy birthday Joy.
    All the best Lyn.

  3. I'm so glad you had such a great birthday, just wish you had been here. But we got to Skype, even if it was short.
    Call me, text me, email me, whatever, just let me know when you are coming.

    Hugs, Phylly

  4. Happy Birthday! Mine is tomorrow! Have the day off. What to do? SEW!

    1. Happy Birthday to you, Debora! What are you sewing?
      Hugs, Joy

  5. Happy b'lated must have a good husband if you wanted to spend the day with him�� hope you have many many more. You do " our " name justice.. Keep smiling. Joy

  6. Dear Joy,
    Belated birthday wishes! Great to hear you had such a pleasant day with Jerry. Your pine cone dress was a perfect representation of the Kwik Sew dress. As usual...well done! Kindly, Glenda


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Hugs, Joy