
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Lu's Top and Matching Jewels

What a FUN day!  What a FUN last night too.  I drove up to Edmond by myself yesterday because I had to bring my car here to be fixed.  Last week when I went for my 6-week check-up from my vein surgeries, we were in a slight wreck.  We were stopped at a red light.  When the light turned green, the car behind us decided to start going -- not waiting for us to go.  She hit me twice, but she wasn't going very fast at all.  Thank God, nobody was hurt.  My bumper has the imprint of her license plate in it.  My husband, of course, acts like the whole back end fell off the car.

ANYWAY, Phylly got off work last night and decided to come over here for a slumber party.  I was SO SURPRISED.  She didn't even have a change of clothes.  I invented a pj set for her, and she wore one of the blouses I made to work today.  She got lots of compliments on it.  Funny, I never did.  I forgot to do the forward shoulder adjustment on it, so it kept slipping backwards on me.  It does that on Phylly too, but she doesn't care.  It fit her SO WELL too.  Funny how different our bodies appear to be from each other, but we actually have the same chest measurement and the same shoulder slope.

I was sound asleep this morning at 7:30 and I was just about to make out with Clint Eastwood.  (Weird, I know.)

It was Phylly's fault, really.  She was telling me about someone's teeth last night and how all his crowns had broken off, and now, all that is left is the pointed teeth that were under the crowns.  My brain decided to translate that into a dream of me being in a movie with Clint Eastwood.  We were sitting across from each other at a conference table talking to a bunch of other people about our parts in the movie.  He looked across the table at me, and he smiled a great big toothy smile.  All of his teeth were wrapped with gold on the edges, and the white parts in the middle of each tooth were super-shiny and sparkly.  I was about to walk around the table to give him a big kiss, when Phylly said, "Joy, I'm leaving now.  What door do you want me to go out of?"

HOW ON EARTH did my brain come up with Clint Eastwood for that dream???

Phylly went to work, BUT she came back for lunch, and she brought Lu with her.  I had Lu's new blouse and jewelry all done.  I fixed a gourmet lunch of Chicken Noodle soup and ham sandwiches.

Yes, I took pictures!

Lu wore the "muslin" I made her a few weeks ago to work today.  I brought the necklace and earrings I made for it, so Lu tried it on.  She loved it.  I thought the necklace needed more tweaking, but NOBODY is as picky as I am.

And here is a picture of her hair!  Isn't it GORGEOUS!!!!!  I told her I want hair like that when I get to heaven, and Phylly said she wants hair like that too.  I hope there is enough for both of us!

And here is the non-muslin blouse from the fabric purchased at The Cloth Merchant's going-out-of-business sale that turned out to be too orange for me, although I really LOVE the fabric.  Pictures do NOT do it justice.  It is the most fabulous feeling knit.  Lu commented on how great it feels.

Lu is my total opposite personality-wise, you know.  You would not even know she was in the room with you if she wasn't tall and if she didn't have all that hair.  She hasn't been around me enough to know she is supposed to act like a nut when I have my camera.  I asked her to pose, and this is what I got.

 The red and yellow necklace are NOT the ones I made.  They were in my stash from a package my sister gave me.  Seems like EVERYTHING matches this blouse.  I decided she needed both of those too.  The necklace I did make is too long for her.  I am going to shorten it so it hangs up close to her neck and off the blouse.  It is very pretty on her.  I didn't take a pic because you really couldn't see it.

Now look here -- look down, actually.

I am really loosening her up.  We only had a lunch hour, you understand.  If I ever had a whole day with her, I would transform her into goofball #3 -- Phylly and I being #1 and #2.

I told her she could put a rubber band inside and make the blouse look different.  She asked me to show her what I meant.  She really liked it this way, and I think she left the rubber band in when she went back to work.
Lu asked if I could make pants.

Of course, I can make pants, thanks to Sure-fit Designs.  She wants dark purple to wear with her new top.  She may have to come spend a few hours with me some Saturday to accomplish that.  I consider it a great compliment that ANYONE would want to wear something I made.  I love so much that Lu does!

And last, but not least, is Phylly wearing the blouse I gave her this morning.  She was supervising from the doorway as I was photographing Lu.  She got so many compliments on the blouse at work, I told her to keep it.  It is one of Louise Cutting's patterns.

Have to go.  Jerry is supposed to arrive with the 2 cats soon.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Hi joy,

    Lu looks fabulous in both the finished top and the muslin that you made for her. And Phylly looks cute too.
    Thanks for posting.


  2. Both tops are really lovely.
    I must remember your rubber band trick - very sneaky LOL
    I have been out fabric shopping need a smart dress to wear to a posh dinner in a couple weeks - didn't find anything today. Have 3 more shops to try before I get desparate.

    1. You can't beat the LBD (little black dress) for that. Put some pretty jewelry or a belt or a scarf with it. Cobalt blue is supposed to be "in" right now -- and gray.

      Hugs, Joy

    2. Agree re lbs but I am tired of mine and we are coming into summer so it is an excuse to introduce colour :)
      I am travelling to Australia to attend this dinner for work -there will be a sea of black suits so I want to have at least one point of difference LOL. I have looked in the shops but only the high end have their summer stock out

  3. Lu looks so beautiful! And Philly looks great in that blouse! glad you gave it to her!

  4. You've done such a great job on that top! That rubber band trick - so simple, but it adds another dimension.


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Hugs, Joy