
Monday, October 28, 2013

Walking Through Gates of Pearl on Golden Avenues

Leanida Josephine Bernhardt

Yes.  My precious MIL died yesterday morning about 10 AM.  We arrived to see her about 10:30, and she had just passed.  They didn't call us because they knew we were already on our way.  Jerry and I walked into her room, and I walked right over to her.  Jerry walked around the other side.  I wasn't expecting to have any reaction, but I suddenly burst into hysterical tears.  I sobbed for about 30 seconds, and then I dried my eyes.  I wasn't sad that she had died because I didn't want her to live one more millisecond in pain.  I guess it was just the finality of it.  It was OVER, and she had gone on to her reward.  Jerry was quietly wiping off tears on the other side of Mom's bed.

That's my sweet hubby there next to his Dad.  Too bad his Dad wasn't as nice as he was good-looking.

Over for Mom, but not for us.  So much to do.  You have no idea until you START proceeding with the proceedings.

Go to the funeral home.

Go to the chapel to see it and plan order of service.

Find a store that still sells music CD's, and find the ones you need that have the exact songs you want.  Go back to the funeral home with the CD's.

Go to City Hall to get a Burial Permit.  I had no idea one was even required.  We paid for the plot years ago.  Pay City Hall $350 for Burial Permit.

Go to the Florist and build a beautiful floral drape for the casket and make SURE they understand what "GIANT purple bow" means.

Go to Mom's house to go through the things she had at Countrywood because Aunt Betty Jane came in the cafe where we were eating and requested that we do that.

THEN, by an amazing stroke of luck, just happen to find the picture you saw once of Mom sitting in the middle of a huge garden.

I wanted that picture, but I had no idea where I had seen it.  As I was going through her things to see what Betty Jane could take to The Upper Room, that picture just popped up in a drawer of clothing.  I was THRILLED.  I wanted to get it blown up poster size to put at the front of the chapel, but it wasn't possible.  The picture quality just wasn't good enough.  It was only 4 x 6.   I was able to get an 8 x 10 of it without too much distortion.  Any bigger, and the flowers looked like shapeless blobs.  At least, I got it and it will explain why we MUST have the song "In The Garden" at her service.  Mom LOVE flowers and gardens.

The service will be held at 2 PM, October 30th at Sanders Funeral Home Chapel in Kingfisher, OK.  We will say one more final goodbye to an AMAZING lady and look forward to the day we meet again.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Eternal Rest Grant unto Leanida O Lord and may Perpetual Light shine upon her and may her soul rest in peace. My condolences to you and Jerry - remember the good times:) Gi from Ontario, Canada

  2. May she rest in peace. She was a very pretty lady.

  3. She was beautiful. She gave Jerry life...the life that you share. Some day...when we see Jesus...what a great reunion that will be!!!

  4. Rest in peace Leanida

  5. What a beautiful woman. May God's peace be with all of you at this time.

  6. She was a beautiful woman and from everything I've heard about her, a very generous and loving lady. I bet she has everyone organized to play games in Heaven by now. My love to you and Jerry on Nida's Homecoming!
    Love and Hugs, Phylly

  7. I'm very sorry for you and Jerry's loss..the next few months may be difficult.Sometimes men deal with grief in ways completely different to us. Be tender with each other and try not to take anything too personal..this too shall pass. The other Joy

  8. I'm sorry to hear about your dear mother-in-law. But you know you will see her again in heaven. Until that time I know you will miss her terribly.

  9. Thinking and keeping you and Jerry in my heart and prayers. What a beautiful lady.....the picture of her in the garden not only shows her beauty, her grace and her class .Rest in peace , pretty Leanida....your family and friends miss you, but know you are at peace.

  10. Eternal rest and peace to your dear MIL, Leanida,
    and God's blessings and comfort to Jerry and you
    all. She was so blessed to have such loving and
    devoted attention and care from her wonderful son
    and wonderful you.

    So many are neglected and left out of family
    interest and care as their situation requires more
    time and unselfishness. You and Jerry will
    always have the peace of knowing that you were
    there 100% for her until her last day. God bless
    you for that, and be with you both in the days to



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Hugs, Joy