
Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Lone Watcher

Hi everyone!

This has been the most peaceful day.

I sat most of the day at my jewelry-making station watching You Tube videos or a new Craftsy class.

Jerry read the rest of Four Blood Moons by John Hagee. He sat in the recliner with his housecoat on over his clothes because he seems to be cold all the time.

I walked out to get my hourly kiss sometime after lunch, and he had the fireplace on.  I have wanted to turn it on, but I didn't want to get down on my knees and stick my head inside the opening and then turn my face up toward the sky to see if the damper -- which I wouldn't know how to find in the first place -- was open or shut.

I was so glad to see he had done it!

Phylly and I TRIED to have a Skype session this morning, but the internet was just not cooperating.  Her sentences sounded like Morse Code, and her image kept freezing.  She said I was pixillated.  She had her three grand kids there with her, and they make it impossible for her to carry on a conversation.  You may remember she was SUPPOSED to come over today for a play day, but the icy roads prevented that.  Sure hope Christmas isn't messed up with more ice.  Last year, we had to cancel our plans because of it.

Tammy called to check on us and remind us that Jerry is suppose to be rinsing his mouth out several times a day with salt water to prevent mouth sores.

Jerry and I had both forgotten about that rule that we learned in Chemo School.  There is just too much information!  I feel like we are taking an advanced college course, and we should have taken better notes!
I made FOUR of these today.  It is much prettier than it looks here.  The beads are Preciosa Glass Beads.  I accidentally ordered 1200 of them instead of 100.  Therefore, I was able to make four of these necklaces, but I threaded beads on wire for hours today!

I hung one from each of the girls' stockings.  It would look a whole lot better if it were IN FOCUS, but I was using my I-phone.  It just doesn't do as good a job as my little pink camera.  Plus, the beads are sparkly, and the light reflects off them.  You will have to use your imagination on this one.

Jerry decided to buy The Lone Ranger from Amazon to watch tonight.  I think they need to change the name to "The Most Horrible Movie Ever!", but you know men.  Anything with a gun and a horse in it! 

I excused myself to come do my blog, so Jerry is "The Lone Watcher".

Since I've given out all the Christmas earrings I made, I can show you a picture now.  I love them all.  Now, I need to make some for myself.

This pair with the spiral was an experiment.

I think they are really cute, but I don't like the way the "stems" wobble around.

I need to tweak these a bit.  They might be cute with just the green part.

I made one other style, but I guess I didn't photograph it.  I gave them to Margaret the other day so she could wear them BEFORE Christmas is over.

Jerry is still feeling very good.  Different things keep occurring, but nothing he can't handle.

One night he got an upset stomach after dinner.  Yesterday, he had headaches.  Today, the bones in his jaw were hurting.  He feels good enough to watch that awful movie which is STILL on.  Guess I'll go out to see if he needs a hug or a kiss.  (-;




  1. I like your Xmas stockings- cute :)
    Your earings are lovely too - you are very talented.
    I always apprecate a gift made by the giver.
    It is Xmas eve morning here - I will be making my Christmas crackers today.
    Joy you and Jerry have a lovely Christmas.



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Hugs, Joy