
Sunday, January 26, 2014

A Sunday VLOG

I have been in SUCH A GREAT MOOD all day today as I have watched Jerry FEEL GOOD!

I just watch him around corners -- out in the yard -- out my upstairs window that views his barn and all of his "toys" -- while he is working on his computer -- just all the time.  He doesn't know it, of course, except for all the times I run over to kiss him and give him a hug.

I kid you not!  I felt like twirling around and around and just laughing out loud!

I didn't though.

Instead, I made this video for you.  It is 8 minutes long.  Hope it works for you.

Just finished watching Downton Abby with Jerry.  He hasn't gone to sleep even for one second.  Before we knew he was sick, he fell asleep every night once the TV was turned on.  I must rush back into the TV room to my recliner that sits so close to his that they touch each other.  I will rock, as I always do -- recliner or not -- and I will thank God for this WONDERFUL day!

Thank you for all your prayers and good wishes.  God is confirming his Word!

And a special HELLO to Debbie!  I love your comments and hope to see many more of them.  Welcome aboard.  I will be sewing a lot more in the near future.  You may find some tips in the Tutorials section over there on the right side.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Nice video! At the end you went sliding around the table as if you were on skates or a skate board. What was it?

  2. Sweet video. So glad thing are looking up :)

  3. Lol, Judi. I was in my saddle seat stool/chair. It has five wheels on the bottom. I love to glide all over the room on it. I bought it years ago to use at the long arm quilting machine.

  4. So glad to see you. What great news to hear how well Jerry is doing and you couldn't look or sound any better. I am so happy that you were able to spend some time in your swing. As you know the Oklahoma wind blew in again last night and it is very cold this morning. Enjoy your week and make something pretty.

  5. So happy to hear that Jerry is doing so well.

  6. I'll try this again. I posted earlier but evidently I deleted by mistake. Oh well. Sooooooo glad Jerry had such a good day! Happy for you both. Love love LOVE your blog! I am learning soooo much. It is exciting, entertaining, inspirational and so much more. (Oh how I wish we lived closer to each other! ) May God continue to bless yall! Debbie in KY


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I do enjoy receiving comments, especially, when they are to answer my questions!

Hugs, Joy