
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Saturday Night and Doggie's Final Name

Thanks to all of you who sent me great doggie name suggestions.  Several of them were names I had thought of myself.  My husband, oddly enough, has a very definite opinion on this subject.  Who knew?  After much back and forth -- up and down -- and all around -- we came to a compromise.

He said I could change the spelling to "J A C K I E" so everyone who read her name on her tag as "Jacque" would not call her "Jock".  I started calling her "Miss Jackie" this morning just because it flew out of my mouth, and I like that.  I have said it so much now, she is becoming Jackie.  She is the sweetest dog.  She let me take a wet wash cloth and wash her eyes and her mouth tonight.

I'm concerned about leaving her here alone as Jerry and I ARE going to have to leave to go to Chemo and to Kingfisher to take care of his deceased Mother's affairs.  We will take it a day at a time -- just like everything else.

I don't DARE ask Tammy or Phylly to come by and check on her.  I would come home to find her eating milk bones in my bed!
Since Jerry is already asleep beside me in our bed, and Jackie is already asleep in her bed in the kitchen, I better get to bed myself.



  1. I like the name Jackie. It could be a nickname for "Jacqueline" which I believe is French. Diane from Indiana

  2. You forgot the peanut butter!

    Hugs, Phylly

  3. I have to add that my mum's name is Jacque - short for Jacqueline.

  4. Lovely name for a really sweet dog



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Hugs, Joy