
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Our Father, Jackie, Football and 39 Years!

Church was so good this morning.  Pastor Hagee is starting a series on The Lord's Prayer.

This mornings message was on "Our Father".

That was it!  I wondered how on earth he was going to preach an entire sermon on just "Our Father".

Ohhhhhhhh, he did though!  SO GOOD!  He talked about Fathers and families and children and America and all the mess that has been caused by ONE factor:  No father in the home.

So true, and so sad.  My father was very strict, but he was always home.  I was afraid of him at times, but I had awesome respect for him at the same time.  I  know I would not be ME if it wasn't for my earthly father, and my heavenly Father!

And about this puppy, Jackie.

I'm not sure I can have a blog and a puppy too!

Jackie looked a WHOLE LOT CUTER yesterday when I wasn't so tired.  Look at that face!

This was right after her beauty shop appointment.  She had two red bows in her hair, but they don't show in this pic.  She looked adorable!!!

She was so good in the back seat of Jerry's truck.

She laid down on the back seat and never moved a muscle until I lifted her out when we got home.

I put her down on the floor in the garage where she walked TOO NEAR Boots, one of our cats.  Boots bent his back in a deep curve and snarled at Jackie.  Jackie fell flat on her tummy with her legs spread out on the floor and whimpered.

Just wait Boots!  One of these days she will be able to knock you across town with one paw tied behind her back!

We hadn't been home long when Tammy arrived.  She wanted me to meet Jackie's daddy, Brody.  Brody is a Standard Poodle.  I took a picture.  You can see how crazy my daughter is about these dogs.  Jackie's mom was a Golden Retriever, but she has been sold.  Otherwise, I'm sure Tammy would have brought her too.  Sorry for the fuzzy pics.  Have you ever tried to get dogs to pose??????

We had one puppy accident today right under my nose.  I jump up from my chair every time I see her nose start sniffing.  I go to the door and let her out.  It snowed today, and the whole patio and back yard were covered with snow.  I thought this baby SURELY would not want to go outside.

I'm assuming this was the shortest-lived grooming of all time!  Jackie went out onto the snow-covered patio.  She tried to walk, but her feet just slid around.  I thought the poor baby would whimper and come running to Mommy.

Mommy was MAJORLY wrong!  Jackie starting running and sliding and running and sliding all over the patio -- on purpose!!!

Then she ran out into the yard and ran back and forth like she was in a race all over the lawn until there were doggy prints all over it!

I kept screaming out the door "Go Potty Jackie!"  "Go Potty Jackie!"

She just kept running in circles.

Other than that, I spent the whole day making one bracelet and TRYING to make another one.  I don't know how many beads one must own before one has enough.  Every navy blue bracelet I tried to make for my daughter's birthday required more beads than what I had.  I made a beautiful memory wire bracelet, but didn't have enough beads for it either.  Jerry liked it a lot and asked me to make it for myself.  Since my wrist is so little, I had enough beads for that.

I spent three hours trying to make the next design, but just could not find enough beads that were alike for it.  Dinner was done in the oven, so I had to quit bracelet-making for today.

Jerry is watching the most awful football game.  One team has made all the points, and the other one hasn't done a thing.  I don't see how people can get so hooked on football.  It does NOTHING for me.  And I don't know how that one team even GOT to the Super Bowl!

Yesterday was our 39th wedding anniversary.  Neither one of us had even thought about it until yesterday.  We had just eaten breakfast, and I sat down to get on my computer.  I started wondering what the date was, and it seemed to be the end of January -- so it must be the beginning of February.  I looked up at Jerry and said, "Isn't our anniversary pretty soon?"  He thought a minute, and then he said, "It is TODAY!  Happy Anniversary!"  Honestly, after 39 years, EVERY DAY is like our anniversary.  We are very happy together, and I am very blessed to be his wife.

Gotta get.  Jerry likes me to watch the football game with him, although I couldn't care less.  I would rather watch Downton Abby.

Have a FANTASTIC week my friends!

Hugs, Joy


  1. Jackie is absolutely precious. Time will pass and you will be able to trust her more and more. What a beauty her father is.
    Happy Anniversary!!!

  2. Happy anniversary! May you have many more happy years together! Jackie is adorable too. I have 2 four legged kids in the house and one refuses to go out if its snowing, raining or just cold lol. Of course I keep a pee pad in the laundry room for her. They have me trained very well. And...believe it or not our sermon was about the same thing. Now if we could only get people to get as excited about the Lord as theybdo football and other sports.

  3. Jackie looks so soft and fluffy, a real beauty. Happy Anniversary to you and Jerry!


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Hugs, Joy