
Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Date with Alley Oop

Hey Everyone!!!  Isn't the weather just MARVELOUS.

Except for yours, Rhonda.  So sorry about that.  It is 71 here today, and I HAD to get out, and WHILE I was out I figured I might as well go to Hancock Fabrics.

I had NO INTENTION of buying any fabric.  Well, that's not true.  I was going to buy some fleece to make a sweatshirt dress out of.  I bought this pattern on line the other day, and I want to make it QUICK before it
it is 108 degrees outside.

This is "Lola" by Victory Patterns.  You have to go on line to get the PDF file.  Then you print out 31 pages and then slice them all up and tape them together.  Don't have me committed, but I actually LIKE doing that sort of thing.

Here is a line drawing of the sweatshirt dress. 

Notice the princess seam lines and the empire waist and the POCKETS!!!  Way too cute.

Of course, I may not feel that way when I get it done. 

 I bought the fabric for it today. 

I'm a little afraid I may look like I'm ready to go on a date with Old Man Alley Oop.  That's my fabric -- pink and black animal-of-some-sort print.  And matching jewelry, of course!

Here's another picture of it:

It is a real light weight fleece.  Very soft.  I can't wait to make it.  PRAY it fits or I may be raffling it off to a skinnier version of myself.

After I found this bright pink fleece, I was walking over to the cutting table when this OTHER fabric just JUMPED into my cart.  I TRIED to stop it, but it would not take "NO!" for an answer.  It is a beautiful cotton sateen with a little stretch.  My new favorite kind of fabric.  

And -- I probably shouldn't admit this because it isn't really my fault that THIS fabric was right NEXT TO the Jungle Jane fleece.  I had to buy it too.  This is a linen look.  I will make a matching skirt and blouse from this.  Isn't it YUMMY?  Only problem with this type of fabric is it tends to fade a lot.  It is in the dryer now.  I pray it stays black and doesn't come out gray.  If it does, it may be going back to live out its life next to the Jungle Jane fleece.

Gotta go.  

Hugs, Joy


  1. Oooohhh...YES to making a fleece dress!!!! The pattern is great...I can't wait to see it! If you like yours, then I'll make one too.

  2. I keep seeing this pattern and am getting close to buying it. It will b in the 80s here this weekend, so I need to wait until September or October. I can't wait to see how your turns out.

  3. Vicky

    Love the flower fabric and I would love some of that Oklahoma weather. I am living in Maine and we are still in the winter season so anything with flowers makes me want SPRING!! You are motivating me to do some sewing for the warmer months. Enjoy your blog.

  4. Fabric just keeps jumping into our carts, doesn't it? Mine is usually from Fabric Mart, and I'm always surprised when a package arrives at my doorstep. Better stay away from Fabric Mart....or not.


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Hugs, Joy