
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Frogs, Daisies, Videos and Jerry Update

I haven't updated the family on Jerry lately.  Actually, he has been doing so good, there wasn't much to talk about, but that was BEFORE this week.

This is the worst week he has had.  And the sad thing is, I'm not even with him.  I just talked to him, and he said he has been in bed all day.  In fact, I woke him up at 6 PM.  Thank God he has had his last chemo treatment.  This one is definitely the roughest, and I suppose it is to be expected.  He is weak and all of his bones ache.  He says he hurts all over.  I told him he was probably glad to be animal-free and wife-free.  He said it was nice to be free of pets, but not of me.  (-:  I feel so bad that I'm not there with him to AT LEAST cook his meals and see that he drinks enough water.

And, you ask, WHY aren't you with him???  Because he INSISTED that he go home (we have two homes 150 miles apart) with his truck full of tools and lawn equipment from moving out of his mother's house in Kingfisher.  There wasn't room in the truck for me or the pets.  Even the front seat was full.  He was feeling good THAT DAY, but things have sure changed.  We close on his mother's house May 1, so he has to be back here with me by then.

And since I am at this house all alone, I have been sewing play clothes for Summer.  You remember the color-blocked blouse from a few days ago, right?  Wellllllllll, I decided I hate all of them.  I just don't like color-blocking like that.  Even the dress that Princess Kate is wearing today looks as though the maker ran out of fabric and patched it with a piece of white fabric.

SOOOOOOOOOO, I decided to use my SFD Dress Kit pattern for a blouse with a bell-shaped sleeve with godet inset.

I made you a video -- and You Tube picked the loveliest expression on my face for the intro!!!  I chose a different image, but it isn't much better.  Don't know what one you will see here.

Here are a few stills if you'd like to skip the video:

And here is the MUSLIN of this outfit that turned out cute too.

Another video another LOVELY face photo chosen by You Tube!

And some stills if you don't care to watch Jackie trying to get in the picture.  I really need to sew something for her to model!

Here are some close-ups of the applique.

I used the fabric I made the pants with to make the daisies.  The green stems are from a green knit fabric.  No raveling.  No satin-stitching!

And HERE is a very good example of WHY I SEW!

This white knit tee is RTW.  You can see in the picture on the left that the shirt hikes up in the front.

Notice in the picture on the right where I am pinching in a bust dart, that the front of the shirt becomes even with the sides.

AND one last thing.

I made a video for my friend who asked HOW I made the pictures of the blouse I was going to make and filled it in with the fabric I was going to use.  A reader left a comment that there is another way to do the same thing.  If I learn it, I will tell it to you.

That is it for today.

Pray with me that my sweet husband recovers quickly to his gorgeous former self.  I can only remember 2 or 3 days in all our married years that he has been sick with a cold or the flu.  This has been hard for him, HOWEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, both of us thank God every minute of every day that the CANCER IS GONE and he will live.

As I said, he is gone from this house, and I have been doing laundry and cleaning up.  As I picked up his shoes next to the bed, I said, "THANK YOU GOD that my husband's shoes are on the floor!"  As I picked his socks up off the floor, I said, "THANK YOU GOD that my husband's socks are on the floor!"  As I removed his jeans from the dryer -- folded them and hung them on hangers -- I said, "THANK YOU GOD that my husband's jeans were dirty and I had the privilege of washing them!"

I must confess.  I used to holler at him and say, "WHY can't you put your shoes in the closet and your socks in the dirty clothes!!!?  Now I look at them, and I almost cry because I'm so happy they are there.  What a difference almost losing the man you love makes in the way you see things.

The sick days will pass, and we will have years to celebrate!

Hugs, Joy


  1. The froggies are cute, but I love the daisy outfit the best. The daisies on the top just make the outfit. I would not have thought of using the daisy fabric for capris, but with the top they are really cute.

    Great fit on the capris and your SFD top.

    Hugs, Phylly

  2. Hi Joy, Thanks so much for sharing the process of working with Photoshop Elements to make a new pattern and drop it into the blouse to see color blocking ideas. I work with Photoshop CS5. I'm going to guess the process is similar to make a new pattern. I just love learning new ways of using software. And it creates a great visual when deciding how to mix & match colors and patterns.
    Love the froggy outfit - pants and blouse. That godet sleeve inset is now found on page 49 of the 5th edition Dress Kit instruction book and on page 12 of Beyond Bodice Basics. That pink was an excellent color contrast.

  3. Joy, I love the way your froggy top looks! I'm not a fan of color blocking either. Good choice!

  4. I love the frogs...the cutest fabric ever!!!!...AND the pops of pink are perfect!!!

    From yesterday: Jackie is being a normal puppy. Finn, my 16 month old springer spaniel does the same thing when I come home. Unreal how fast they can run...and yes, for sure you can get knocked over. He really is getting better and Jackie will too. In about a year. You are a good mom!!!

  5. Thank you SOOOOO much Joy for demonstrating how to fill an image in PS. I never would have figures it out myself!

    You explain things so simply..... should have been a teacher.

    Am off now to play with my PS.


    1. Carol,
      You are very welcome. I WISH and PRAY that the people at Bernina could do that for me. I have thousands of dollars in their Embroidery Software, and it won't even boot up!!! The techs won't talk to you. You receive an email in 2 or 3 days that makes no sense. AARRGGHH!!!
      BTW, I have found there are lots of tutorials on You Tube for Photo Shop Elements.
      Hugs, Joy

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Your frog outfit is so cute, what fun fabric.


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Hugs, Joy