
Friday, April 11, 2014

Good Friday Evening and Look What I Bought Today

Hello everyone.

Just finished T-Bone steaks for dinner.  Gave Jackie about 6 bites.  I SWEAR, I could make that dog do ANYTHING for a bite of steak.  I had her SIT.  Then I told her to STAY.  Then I walked about six steps away and placed a paper plate on the floor.  Then I took one bite of my finished steak -- never while we eat -- and I put it on the plate.

She ran over to me.

I quickly picked up the piece of meat so she couldn't get it.

She ran back to where she was and sat her butt down.  I told her to STAY again.

Then I put the piece of meat on the paper plate.  She just sat there waiting for me to say COME.  I didn't make her wait too long, but she did wait for my command.  Then she ran over to me and ate her prize.  Then I gave her another and another.

I wanted to give her the T-bone, but I was afraid it would splinter and get stuck in her throat.

Let me see, what else did I do today.

Oh, yes.

I met Phylly at Louie's restaurant where we could barely hear each other without screaming.  Whoever built that restaurant didn't want to waste money on acoustics, evidently.  It is such a nice place except for that.

After that, I went back to Pearle Vision for the THIRD time to get my new glasses.  I am wearing them now, and they keep slipping down my nose like it was a downhill slide.  I suppose I will have to go back for the FOURTH time tomorrow.  AARRGGHH!!!

Then I noticed that Hobby Lobby was across the street from Pearle Vision.

And then a thought jumped right into my mind:  "They carry fabric at Hobby Lobby!"

You won't believe what fabric I purchased.  I thought it was absolutely adorable for a pair of shorts or capris with a matching top.  I'm going to run and take a picture for you.  HOLD ON............


I really LOVE this, and I really am going to wear it.

And I purchased the pink below for the inside of the pockets and the trim on the shorts/capris and top.    And, of course, I ran back to the jewelry department and bought pretty green beads to match.

Hope to have it all done this weekend, but don't hold your breath.

I'm not at all "into frogs", but I love the colors in this, and we do have two ponds on our land.  I can be the Crazy Frog Lady of Stonebrook.  I've been called worse.


I just got an idea.  I could take that frog on the Lily Pad and digitize it.  Then I could embroider it onto the solid pink fabric and make a sleeveless top.

By jigs!  I'm going to do it!  Good thing I always bring my dongle.

WHAT is a dongle?  It is a little doohickey that I have to plug into the USB port on my computer so the computer REALIZES that I am not a software thief, and I really did pay thousands of dollars for the embroidery software that I need to digitize this frog.
Jackie, the wonder dog, is down for the night.  We enjoy her so much.  She has more toys than I bought for my grandchildren when they were little!  I spent $175 at Petco today for a grooming kit and the attachments to go with it.  I can see me chasing her all over the back yard trying to cut her hair.  That should be fun!

Time to go.

Enjoy your weekend.  Phylly is coming in the morning, and we are going to Hancock's for our ONE MILLIONTH fitting class!  We really will have to open our own school one day.

Hugs, Joy


  1. What cute fabric! It will make cute shorts or capris. I can just see them with a split at the bottom and a row of pink trim just above the split and a pink bow over the split. The you can embroider your frog on your pink top. That will be so cute.

    I better go take my meds and head over your way so we can make it to our millionth and two fitting class.

    Hugs, Phylly

  2. Which blouse of Silhouette patterns did you make ...I really like it but don't really recognize which one of Peggy patterns it is...pls LMK...Merry

    1. The Silhouette pattern is #575, Sonya's Blouse. NOTE that I have removed the collar. I did not like the way the collar turned out because it did NOT look like the picture. It crossed over in the front.
      Hugs, Joy

  3. You really like the SFD…do you have any suggestions for me…I just got it as a birthday gift… : )

    1. If you have ANY problems, just email Glenda. She will get back with you quickly. Watch the DVD and follow along. It is so much fun to make something that fits. My only suggestion would be to start with something SIMPLE. No collars. No zippers. No yokes. Just a simple shirt. REMEMBER too, knits are different. You use smaller dots and a different sleeve template.
      Hugs, Joy

  4. I really must get back here more often. Reading your blog always makes my day! So glad you are enjoying your 4 legged child. (That's what mine are lol.) Made a blouse recently and DIDN'T follow your teaching. You guessed it, does not fit. I always did have to learn the hard way. When I get ready to try again, you can bet I'll be reading your directions again, and following them! Luv from KY Debbie And I love that fabric!

    1. Hey Debbie!
      I have made two pair of short capris that fit perfectly. I'll have pics soon. The good thing about SFD is that you eventually learn what to look for and check in all patterns to make them fit right. I am making a blouse tomorrow after I blog about it tonight. Let me know what you think.
      Hugs, joy


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Hugs, Joy