
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Resurrection Day!

Jerry and I weren't together, but I had a very pleasant weekend with my sister.  I invited her to come spend the night yesterday, and she came.  She hadn't met my Jackie yet, but it took Jackie less than a nano-second to fall in love with her.  My sister is really good with animals.  She used to have a giant German Shepherd named Amy.  Amy would do whatever Judy told her to do.  Sit, stay, get in the car, get out of the car, wait, etc.  I had a friend, Mona, who had several big dogs, and they all obeyed her every command.  I've always been SO IMPRESSED by that, and I hope I can get Jackie to obey me like that.

We did listen to Matthew Hagee this morning talk about The Empty Tomb.  Always a wonderful sermon.  A reminder of God's awesome love for us and the choice made by Christ to suffer such pain and agony for us.  He could have called ten thousand angels to get him down off that cruel cross, but he CHOSE to stay there for you and for me.

What LOVE!

I have pics and some new garments to show you.  Maybe tomorrow.  My dog is outside barking at all the neighborhood dogs, and I'm sure the neighbors don't appreciate the communication.  Hold on while I call her in and put her down for the night ................

Here she is!  She did NOT want to come in.  She wanted to play "Grab the ball in my mouth, and every time Mom comes to get me, RUN, RUN, RUN!"

She is just shot by 8 PM every night.  I put her in her "bed", and she falls asleep in seconds.  That is where she is now.  Off in doggy dreamland.  She didn't get much sleep today with Aunt Judy visiting.

LOOK at Jackie with her head on Aunt Judy's chest!!!

Anyway, as I was saying,
I have made some more new clothes.  BOTH of my sisters say my frog outfit looks like pajamas, so I guess I won't be wearing it anywhere but to bed.  )-:  My new outfit was a huge hit with Judy.  She ooed and ahhed over the fabric.  The fabric surely does make a big difference, doesn't it?  No frogs and no daisies.

OH!  I snapped a selfie of Judy and me having my latest favorite meal at Applebee's.  Not a good pic, but you get the idea.  It was a LOVELY day.  Our waiter's name was Cash, and he did an excellent job.  I wish I had brought a chocolate Easter bunny with me so I could have given it to him.  He was so nice.

That is it for today.  Time to go to You Tube and look up some more tutorials on something.  Don't know what yet.  Phylly emailed me and said she gets to come over next Saturday for a play day.  I am REALLY happy about that.  We have so much fun together, as you know!

God bless all my readers.  Have a MARVELOUS week ahead!

Hugs, Joy


  1. Joy did you have your sofa covered in that beautiful red floral material, or did you buy it that way? I wish I knew how to send you a picture of the kitchen drapes I made out of that same material. The name of the fabric is Queenlands Crimson and I just love it. Best Wishes, Karen

  2. Hi Karen,
    Yes, I love that red couch too. I purchased fabric and made drapes to match it. It was over 10 years ago.
    Hugs, Joy

  3. Joy please post a picture of your drapes I would love to see them. Thanks, Karen


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Hugs, Joy