
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Lose 50 Pounds in ONE DAY!


I have proof right here!

These pictures were taken ONE DAY APART:

Isn't it AMAZING the difference a style can make on your body.

This is Pamela's Patterns Sleeveless Tee from #108, The Versitile Twin Set.

Pamela makes "PMS" patterns:  Post Menopause Style.  She doesn't call it that, but I think it's a great name.  All I had to do was my usual FBA, Sway Back and Round Back adjustments, and this fits absolutely P E R F E C T.  No gapping in the neck or the armholes.

Obviously, these are my very best colors: white, royal blue and black.  I have made two blouses with this, so far, and I may make something else.  The fabric is from Peggy Sagers, and she may be out of it.  I better check quick.

And how about these earring I JUST made to go with this blouse?

Back a few years ago when I was majorly into quilting, I used to watch all kinds of quilt videos -- like I watch all kinds of jewelry videos now -- and there was this one lady who ALWAYS had this little white dog in her pictures.  I thought it was so GOOFY for that little dog to be in all those pictures!

Now, here I am, doing the exact same thing.  Every time Jackie sees me get in front of the tripod, she immediately comes to my side.  It is TOTAL ADORABLENESS!!!

Gotta go.  Time for lunch.

Jerry -- who is feeling really good again -- PRAISE GOD! -- is at the boat storage getting our big white covered trailer so we can move out of his Mom's house on Tuesday.

The house is sold unless some unforeseen thing happens.  According to the realtor, the buyer has two weeks to back out for any reason such as they discover a sex pervert lives nearby.  So WHY have a contract and MONEY to hold it???  I bet WE can't back out!

Hasta La Vista!

Jackie and I have to go eat lunch.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Love the fit and neckline of your Tee. Wasn't able to find it on Pamela's site. Is yours the Perfect Tee just without sleeves?

    Glad Jerry is feeling better.


    1. Hi Sheila,
      This is part of #108 The Versatile Twin Set

  2. Incredible difference ~ those colours and style are definitely very flattering on you! Enjoy your busy week ahead ... J

  3. Joy, I love your smiling happy face. That top is very flattering on you. Just make it longer and you have a dress that will be flattering too.



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Hugs, Joy