
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Star Ship Enterprise and My New Blouse


Phylly and I had a play day this past Saturday.  We have SO MUCH FUN together working on fit.  We've been doing it about 4 years now.  One would think we would have it down by now.


Phylly was working on the new Louise Cutting pattern.  Louise puts enough ease in her patterns for a small whale, BUT Phylly and I still have to do Full Bust Adjustments in them.

Phylly tried this on in paper, and I thought it fit her pretty good, but she needed a little more length in the front and a tuck in the upper neck area.  When she got the front cut up and patched, I had to laugh.

I told her that it looked like the Star Ship Enterprise.

She informed me that she LOVED that show.

I told her I did NOT love that show because I couldn't stand all those goofy characters they came up with from other planets.

She told me she liked them too.  We laughed and laughed.  Then we went to Hancock's to buy MORE fabric to make MORE blouses that don't fit us.

What a team!
And speaking of Hancock's.

Do you remember this piece that I purchased a few weeks ago?  Probably not.  Anyway, I made another Peggy blouse (Silhouette Patterns) out of it.  I have made this one at least six times now.  I really like it, and it fits perfectly.  Peggy's version has a collar, but I HATE collars, as you know, so I changed that.

I am still working on the newly-named Betty Rubble Dress.

Phylly reminded me how ugly Ally Oop was, so I decided I didn't want to make a dress for him.

I looked up the Betty Rubble dress, and it isn't an animal print.  It is just plain blue.  What's the deal with that???  Wilma's dress is all white.

I guess no self-respecting cave woman would be caught dead in this fabric I'm using!


Check this out:

My version of the Betty Rubble dress is just like Wilma's, except bright pink where the white is.

Betty looks a LOT better in it!

All I need to do is make a big, bulky necklace out of BONE!

Wonder if Jackie will give me one of her bones.

Phyllis thought it might look good if I cut a hole in a big pillow case and slipped it on over it!

She may be right.  I'm going to work on it now though.  Check back soon.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Your blouse fits beautifully. Do you use Sure Fit Design process to get the great fit ? Do you alter the Silhouette pattern very much?
    I haven't purchased the Sure Fit Designs , do you use it to fit all your other patterns?

    1. Hi Susie!
      Yes, I do own Surefit Designs and I have used it a LOT over the past few years. At first, I was making 4 or 5 blouses a month with it. If you go back to the beginning of my blog, you will see lots of posts about SFD. I highly recommend it.
      Silhouette patterns have awful instructions, so you really need to know how to put a garment together. You can compare the fit of any pattern with your SFD blueprint. If you go to, you will find over a hundred free videos to watch.
      Hugs, Joy

    2. Thanks, I will definitely check this out.

  2. Which Silhoutte pattern is that blouse?


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Hugs, Joy