
Monday, April 28, 2014

Whirlwind Weekend and Which Way Do You Like Best?

First, Phylly came -- then Jerry got home -- then my sister came to spend the night.  Sunday, we watched church and then went to Kingfisher to finish moving out of my MIL's house for the VERY LAST TIME!

I KNOW I took lots of pics and maybe even a video.  I'm going to have to check.  Hold on....

Yes!  I did make a short one.  VERY short actually, since I am down on my knees with Jackie!

busy weekend.

I finished the blouse in the above video just in time for Phylly to arrive for our Saturday play day.  Phylly had on her new Louise Cutting pattern blouse, and it is very special because it has buttons from one of Jerry's mother's blouses.

Remember how we sat in the floor and cut buttons off of her old blouses for hours?  These buttons were a PERFECT match.

 We posed together for you to show you both of our blouses:

My blouse is a Sure-fit Designs remake.  I've used the pattern before.  The fit is PERFECT, of course!

I purchased my FIRST border print when I was at JoAnn's the other day.  It didn't turn out as cute as I thought it would, but I did get a compliment on it when I wore it to lunch with Phylly that day.

ANDDDDD!  I got a compliment on my frog blouse at the grocery store the other day!

Phylly cut out pink pants while she was here, and then she wanted to go to Hancock Fabrics.  I KNEW that was a bad idea since I have no more space for fabric, but I couldn't very well tell her, "NO!", could I?  I thought maybe -- by some miracle -- I just MIGHT not find anything I liked that day.  The bad news is I DID find fabric I loved.  The good news is, I didn't buy near as much as Phylly did!

Just a day or two BEFORE our play day, I was bored.  I've been home alone for two weeks, and a girl gets bored when left alone that long.  I was out to lunch, and Hobby Lobby was right next door to where I ate, so I thought to myself:

"I should go into Hobby Lobby and just walk fast up and down the aisles and get some aerobic exercise.  I don't have to buy anything."

And -- really and truly -- that is what I was doing.  I didn't even get a basket.  But as I was walking by the fabric department this really bright fabric just SHOUTED OUT to me, "LOOK OVER HERE!"

I thought it wouldn't hurt anything to just walk in that direction, so I did.

The closer I got, the more I liked this fabric.  You surely know by now that I love BRIGHT colors and PRINTS.

I pulled it off the shelf -- grabbed a matching solid to go with it, and walked over to the cutting table.  It was 30% off, so wasn't too expensive.

When I got home, I washed it and pressed it.  THEN I had to ask Phylly WHICH way I should make it.  The flowers on top or the plain on top?  I decided to take some pics to help me decide.

What do you think?

This will be capris and a blouse.  I will be cutting it out next.  Hopefully, I won't have to wear this one only to bed.

I've got to finish my latest capris.  My sister told me to try denim, so I am.  It is a pretty turquoise.  I'll have them done real soon IF I get off this computer.



  1. Hi Joy,
    I love that pretty green up next to your beautiful face! I think that I would go for the solid on top and the print on the bottom.
    Diane from Indiana

  2. I agree with Diane. Green on the top!


  3. Green on the top is what I say. I love the blouse in your video too. Always enjoyed watching your videos but having Jackie there makes them real special. Great to see the bond that you two have. I talk to my two girls the same way. They are such great company for me. Always good to see Phylly too.

  4. I vote for the flowers on top. Both fabrics are beautiful!

  5. And I vote for flowers on top!

  6. Another vote for flowers on top. :) I'm glad you wore your frog top out and got a compliment on it because I think that whole outfit is fun and doesn't look like jams!!!

  7. I think your border print top is gorgeous! You have me wanting to check my local JoAnn's to see if I can find some of that fabric. I'm no help with the green/floral debate, I think both versions look good. Phylly's blouse is very pretty, I love reusing salvaged buttons - makes the garment that much more special.

  8. I like them both ways, but I do like the flower on top :)

  9. I vote for floral on top. Love your border print.

  10. Flowers on top for me!


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Hugs, Joy