
Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day VIDEO One Day Late

So sorry my Happy Mother's Day video is a day late.  It took 20 HOURS to upload this video to You Tube.

Our internet service down here is pretty good UNTIL you want to upload something.

That part is still "Stone Age" technology, and the "We apologize for that" people at AT&T have no idea when it will be any better.

Here is my 9-minute long Mother's Day message.  It was done on this laptop with the built-in camera, and it evidently has only one setting and that is High Definition which takes forever to upload.

It is Monday, and Monday chores await me.

My desk top computer is still out for repairs.  Hopefully, I'll be able to do pics again tomorrow.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Joy, that camera on you lap top has done a wonderful job. You look wonderful. Vey nice. I love your purple sun glasses. I am a purple girl and my prescription glasses are purple. I am so glad you had nice day with Jerry and Jackie. I used to cut my two schnauzers hair a long time ago. I too had the clippers and bought the bar for a table I already had. Well it took me so long to cut their hair that I started to feel sorry for them so I no longer do it myself. Hope you have better luck.

  2. You look wonderful in red! You ought to wear it more often.

    Sounds like you had a wonderful day. I had a couple of hours with Roger without the grandkids with us. That was lovely. We don't get nearly enough time like that.

    You really do get a great picture on your laptop. It is too bad it takes so long to download the video.

    Hugs, Phylly


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Hugs, Joy